雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 主頁. 聯絡我們. 分行地址及自助銀行地址. 我可以提供 分行位置. 並解答 一般銀行業務問題. 分行最新服務安排. 詳情請查看 恒生銀行分行最新的服務安排。.

  2. The service is applicable to all street-level branches (except MTR station offices and mobile branches) with relevant disclaimers applied. Enquire about Hang Seng Bank's branch and ATM addresses and service hours.

  3. 分行網絡遍佈全港,方便你與客戶經理及理財專家會面。. 多間分行亦設有港幣或外幣提款、港幣存款等自動櫃員機, 讓你輕鬆辦理各類銀行業務。. 需要到分行辦理銀行櫃位服務? 到達分行前,你只需透過恒生流動理財服務應用程式, 選取「櫃位手機取票服務 ...

  4. Visit our branches. Our extensive branch network makes it truly convenient for you to engage with your relationship managers or financial experts. Self-service machines in many branches also provide you with a range of HKD or foreign currency notes withdrawal and HKD deposit services to handle banking transactions easily.

  5. At Hang Seng Bank, we are committed to providing you with premium customer services. Send us your opinions and suggestions to let us know how we can serve better.

  6. Hang Seng Bank offers a wide array of financial services including online banking, savings, investment, credit cards, loans, mortgages, insurance, and MPF.

  7. Centralises and digitalises all MPF schemes’ administrative processes, allowing you to manage MPF online at ease. •. Built and operated by the eMPF Platform Company Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) Learn more.

  8. Connect with the strategic partners in technology industry to achieve digital transformation. Regular Business Events. Provide the latest digital banking solution experience days, digital transformation workshops, business matching events and more, to encourage exchange and interactions for business opportunities.

  9. Our professional MPF Specialists are stationed at the following designated Hang Seng Bank branches for assisting you in handling MPF-related matters. Branch (no booking required) Address. Service hours. Head Office. B2, Head Office, 83 Des Voeux Road Central, Central. Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  10. 預計於2024 年11 月18 日( 星期一)重開。. 翻新工程期間我們提供的銀行服務將維持不變。. 屆時,客戶可移玉步到香港總行下列樓層、就近總行優越私人理財中心、中區分行或本行的其他分行繼續享用銀行及財富管理服務。. 香港總行. 樓層 銀行服務 (2024 年5 月13 ...

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