雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. iPad Pro 是由 蘋果公司 設計、開發及銷售的 平板電腦 ,鎖定專業用戶,並強調其生產力。 iPad Pro 有多種螢幕尺寸,較大者為12.9吋,較小者則從則從9.7吋到10.5吋再到11吋。 在2018年底時(iPad Pro 11吋第一代與12.9吋第三代)將 iPad 帶入全面屏時代並將 Lightning 接口換成更為實用的 USB Type-C 接口。 其往往搭載比同時代 iPhone 更為強大的處理器,並以 Pro 級規格定位為重點工作,讓 Apple Pencil 系列和 Magic Keyboard 系列的使用提供支援。

  2. 2015年9月10日 · iPad Pro 是由 蘋果公司 設計、開發及銷售的 平板電腦 ,鎖定專業使用者,並強調其生產力。 iPad Pro 有多種螢幕尺寸,較大者為12.9英寸,較小者則從則從9.7英寸到10.5英寸再到11英寸。 在2018年底時(iPad Pro 11英寸第一代與12.9英寸第三代)將 iPad 帶入全螢幕時代並將 Lightning 介面換成更為實用的 USB Type-C 介面。 其往往搭載比同時代 iPhone 更為強大的處理器,並以 Pro 級規格定位為重點工作,讓 Apple Pencil 系列和 Magic Keyboard 系列的使用提供支援。

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › IPad_ProiPad Pro - Wikipedia

    The iPad Pro is a series of tablet computers, positioned as a premium model of Apple's iPad tablet computer. It runs iPadOS, a tablet-optimized version of the iOS operating system. The original iPad Pro was introduced in September 2015, and ran iOS 9.

    • History
    • General
    • Features
    • Reception
    • See Also

    The tech community was divided on whether Apple would use the M1 chip or a hypothetical A14X chip for its fifth generation iPad Pro. After Apple announced that it would use the M1, speculation surfaced that it might run macOS. The iPad's general availability was temporarily constrained by an ongoing chip shortage of 2020 and 2021.

    In spite of minor differences in weight and thickness due to hardware upgrades, the tablet is virtually identical to its predecessor. Weight of the 12.9-inch model has increased from 641 grams to 682 grams, while that of the 11-inch model has decreased from 471 grams to 466 grams. It is compatible with the second generation Apple Pencil and the Mag...


    The fifth generation iPad Pro uses an Apple M1 SoC, which is the first iPad to utilize an M-series processor (found on the first Apple silicon Mac desktops and notebooks released in the late 2020) rather than an A-series processor. The M1 features an eight-core CPU in a hybrid configuration with four high-performance and four high-efficiency cores, an eight-core GPU, and a 16-core Neural Engine. The cellular model supports mmWave 5G and allows speeds up to 4 Gbit/s in ideal conditions. Intern...


    In addition to the second generation Apple Pencil, the Smart Keyboard Folio, and the Magic Keyboard, the fifth-generation iPad Pro supports third-party external accessories such as game controllers (Sony's PlayStation and Microsoft's Xboxcontrollers). Apple's fifth-generation iPad Pro can also be used with many other peripherals that transform it into a versatile computer, such as a wide range of USB-C accessories, including USB-C hubs and USB-C docks.

    The fifth generation iPad Pro received mixed responses from critics. Some reviewers said that its overboosted processor was limited by iPadOS and the lack of professional macOS applications, while others criticized the placement of its camera system. The Vergecriticized the lack of multiuser support like the Mac but praised its Mini-LED screen and ...

  5. 強悍性能, 顛覆圖像處理能力, 澎湃 AI 力量 大爆發。 iPadOS 配合款款精彩 App, 輕取任何專業級 工作流程。 全新 Apple Pencil Pro, 以嶄新本領,激發創意新高度 1 。 精妙鍵盤設計一新,更薄, 打字更舒適,觸控板更帶來 觸感反應 1 。 至纖薄,滿震撼 。 全新 iPad Pro 設計,超薄、輕巧、便攜,滿載震撼效能。 iPad 在手, 讓你突破 極限, 創造無盡可能。 備有超輕便的 11 吋型號及寬闊的 13 吋型號。 至纖至薄,Apple 產品歷來 之最。 5.1 毫米. 纖薄輕巧設計 2. 至纖薄,滿震撼 。 重量級實力, 輕便極。 iPad Pro 設計極致纖巧,結合新一. 代強勁效能,讓你隨時去到邊,都可. 大展身手。

  6. 2013年10月23日 · iPad ( 英語發音: /ˈaɪˈpæd/ ),是一個由 蘋果公司 設計銷售的 平板電腦 產品系列,最早一款iPad在2010年4月3日推出。 自2010年至2014年10月,iPad已售出超過2.2億台 [1] ,佔全球平板電腦市場81% [2] 。 目前 iPad 一共有四種機型系列: iPadiPad mini 、 iPad Air 與 iPad ProiPad的 使用者介面 是以 多點觸控 螢幕為主來進行設計,也包括 虛擬鍵盤 。 每一款iPad皆有內建 Wi-Fi ,某些機型也同時支援 行動網路 。 iPad的基本功能包括 錄影 、 拍照 、 播放音樂 ,以及瀏覽 網頁 和 電子郵件 等網際網路相關功能。

  7. The fourth-generation iPad Pro [a] is a line of tablet computers designed, developed and marketed by Apple Inc. Two models, with a 12.9 inch or 11 inch screen, were both announced on March 18, 2020, and released on March 25. [2]