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  1. kyc college 相關

  2. Improve Workflow Efficiencies With CRM Integration that Delivers Real-Time Data. Contact Us to Improve KYC Compliance & Risk Management With Automated Workflow Software.


  1. Standard Chartered KYC Review. Complete KYC Review at your convenience. Fight against financial crime and fraud by keeping your information updated. Enter the unique code that has been sent to your registered email.

  2. The Fintech Career Accelerator Scheme (“FCAS”) is a talent development scheme launched by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) in 2016 to expand the fintech talent pool in Hong Kong. This is a full-time, semester-based internship, where interns will work on fintech projects for one year. Applications are direct to HKMA.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 盡握跨境理財新機遇. 禮遇一: 理財通禮遇. 開立南向理財通戶口及存入新資金HK3,000,000 或等值,可享高達HK$9,500現金回贈*。 開立北向理財通戶口及匯款HK$3,000,000 或等值,可享高達HK$3,500現金回贈* 。 *適用於開立新理財通戶口服務當日前12個月內未曾持有理財通戶口服務之客戶. 禮遇二: 外匯. 每兌換人民幣100,000 至美元, 可享人民幣400元現金奬賞. 禮遇三: 基金. 全新基金投資客戶尊享0%網上基金認購費. 禮遇四: 推薦人優惠. 成功推薦全新客戶開立指定服務及/或「理財通」戶口,可獲享現金回贈。 推薦愈多,獎賞愈多。 ~於每一推廣季度內不論成功推薦人數多寡,每位合資格推薦人於每個客戶推薦計劃內最多只可獲贈推薦獎賞10次。

  5. 「跨境理財通」是一項創新的金融合作計劃,讓香港居民可以通過渣打銀行香港分行,投資粵港澳大灣區內地的指定理財產品,同時享受稅務優惠和匯率保護。點擊了解更多關於「跨境理財通」的詳情,包括申請資格、投資額度、產品種類和風險等。

  6. Deposits Help Centre. Dormant Account FAQs. A savings / current account will become dormant if no transactions are made by the client for 12 consecutive months. How can I reactivate my dormant account? What will happen if my account turns dormant? How do I know if my account is reactivated? How can I prevent my active account from turning dormant?

  7. The new normal. Most FIs have existing processes to manage onboarding and subsequent Know Your Customer (KYC) and Financial Crime Compliance monitoring and screening works , but these processes need adaptation to handle and make room for the fast-moving and unknown variables stemming from COVID-19.

  8. 2023年5月17日 · 憑著創新的意念,渣打特別推出渣打網上理財,提供全面的網上銀行服務,以配合您今日的理財需要。透過渣打網上理財,無論您在何時何地,都可以享用這項方便快捷的全天候銀行服務,服務範圍由日常的戶口交易以至財經資訊,全部應有盡有,讓您隨時隨地靈活操控。