雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. mabelle diamond leo 相關

  2. 擁有20多年珠寶設計和製作的經驗,廣受香港及外國旅客歡迎,信譽良好,實力非凡。 精選鑽石、寶石、珍珠,來款訂造首飾,歡迎親臨半島酒店商場選購。


  1. 美國品牌The Leo Diamond®鑽石工藝大師Leo Schachter精心鑽研的專利82琢面切割美鑽。 以百年的精湛手藝,讓每顆美鑽光芒極致綻放,與相同克拉、顏色、淨度的圓鑽比較,The Leo Diamond®明顯更閃。

  2. The Leo Diamond® was launched in the USA in 1999 by Leo Schachter. Its unique 82-facet cut results in superior sparkle and brilliance. Every Leo is designed and handcrafted to be visibly brighter than other diamonds in its class.

  3. 「換鑽升卡」計劃首創市場價格回收,逐步實現您的卡裝夢想!The Leo Diamond®鑽石工藝大師Leo Schachter精心鑽研的專利82琢面切割美鑽。以百年的精湛手藝,讓每顆美鑽光芒極致綻放,與相同克拉、顏色、淨度的圓鑽比較,The Leo Diamond®明顯更

  4. The Leo Diamond is a work of art. It can only be handcrafted by master diamond artisans with at least 20 years experience. Only Leo Schachter’s most talented diamantaires are allowed to work on a Leo Diamond.

  5. The Leo Diamond® was launched in the USA in 1999 by Leo Schachter. Its unique 82-facet cut results in superior sparkle and brilliance. Every Leo is designed and handcrafted to be visibly brighter than other diamonds in its class.

  6. Leo Challenge閃爍體驗」利用光學儀,邀請顧客以肉眼分辨兩顆相近克拉、顏色及淨度的鑽石之閃爍度,讓顧客親身感受美國品牌The Leo Diamond®的非凡閃爍。

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