雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 滙豐綜合公積金及滙豐綜合公積金成員延續安排的主要推銷刊物及保單有關證監會經修訂《集資退休基金守則》的變更 證監會已修訂《集資退休基金守則》。自2022年11月30日(「生效日期」)起,滙豐綜合公積金及滙豐綜合公積金成員延續安排的主要推銷刊物及保單經已修訂以反映經修訂《集資退休 ...

  2. 滙豐強積金提供一系列多元化成分基金,涵蓋環球股票基金及債券基金,您可按自己的退休計劃及投資目標,選擇最合適的強積金基金。 立即了解更多。

  3. 2018 HSBC New Series Hong Kong Banknotes. HSBC’s 2018 new series incorporates a unique design narrative that connects Hong Kong’s people, landmarks and nature to showcase the facets of life in Hong Kong. Facets of life in Hong Kong are portrayed through the interaction between people, as well as between people and nature.

  4. 我們一直致力推廣網絡安全,本資訊中心為您提供多個網絡安全措施及防詐騙錦囊,助您提高相關知識,保障您的財產及 ...

  5. 滙豐FinFit調查估計,一般人起碼需要港幣470萬元,才可以過上舒適的退休生活。. 加上您要追求理想目標、享受生活樂趣,並為摯愛安排保障方案,退休預算就更加複雜了。. 不用擔心,我們助您清晰了解退休生活所需,逐步引領您策劃理想未來。. 無論您身處 ...

  6. 計劃最大的特色是提供保單分拆選項, 每份原有保單最多可被分拆為3份新的分拆保單,這樣就可以更有效地分配財富,滿足個人獨特需要。. 所以James 在他55 歲時,即第10 個保單年度, 將原有保單A 拆分為分拆保單B1 和B2。. 透過分拆保單B1 為Kenny 預留創業資金, 分拆 ...

  7. Kenny remained the policyholder for C1 and Rose as the life insured, he also designated his wife Amy as the contingent policyholder, ensuring that even in his absence, Amy could take over the management and utilise the policy benefits, securing Rose's future education

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