雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 坐東京地鐵遊東京. 搭乘東京Metro地鐵可以前往東京的熱門景點, 即使是下雨天仍有許多景點能讓您遊玩。 選擇您要造訪的區域. 東京地鐵區. 新宿. 東京都廳舍/新宿御苑. 銀座中央通/購物據點. 淺草寺. 澀谷交叉口/澀谷Hikarie. 東京站. 丸之內. 上野站. 上野恩賜公園/東京國立博物館/上野動物園. 明治神宮前 <原宿>/表參道. 竹下通/表參道/明治神宮. 六本木. 東京中城/六本木新城. 池袋站. 陽光城. 築地市場. 惠比壽/中目黑. 惠比壽花園廣場. 押上 <晴空塔> 東京晴空塔®. 人形町/門前仲町/葛西. 清澄庭園. 其他地區. 相關連結. 搜尋票價、轉乘站. LIVE JAPAN. 首頁. 坐東京地鐵遊東京. 問詢. 失物招領. 東京Metro地鐵景點指南。

  2. Auditors Committee. Auditor Railway Headquarters. Urban Design & Lifestyle Creation Headquarters Station Operations Dept. Train Operations Dept. Rolling Stock Dept. Infrastructure Maintenance Dept. Renovation & Construction Dept. Electrical Facilities Dept. Retail & Advertising Dept. Real Estate Development Dept. 1 Real Estate Development Dept. 2.

  3. Message from the President. Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd. is responsible for a core part of therailway network in the Greater Tokyo Area, operating ninesubway lines with 195.0 kilometers of track and 180stations around central Tokyo, and offering reciprocalthrough-services with other railway companies on sevenlines.

  4. We will aim to strengthen our business foundations based upon the core concepts of ESG in order to ensure the realization of the three keywords that form the basis of this business plan. We will also use our business to help resolve societal issues while contributing to the achievement of our SDGs. 1.

    • nvda stock split1
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  5. Metro Development Co., Ltd. Management of real estate located below elevated tracks and construction related operations. Subway Maintenance Co., Ltd. Electrical maintenance operations. Tokyo Metro Urban Development Co., Ltd. Development of real estate, lease and management of office buildings, etc. Metro Properties Co., Ltd.

  6. Station Operations Dept. Train Operations Dept. Rolling Stock Dept. Infrastructure Maintenance Dept. Renovation & Construction Dept. Electrical Facilities Dept. Retail & Advertising Dept. Real Estate Development Dept. 1 Real Estate Development Dept. 2 Administration Section Planning Section Fare Payment System Section Customer Relations Center.

  7. 2012年4月21日 · Tokyo Metro's official website. You can view convenient information such as subway map, fares, discount tickets, passes, popular attractions along Tokyo Metro lines, etc. for getting around Tokyo.