雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Media Chinese's portfolio of media products comprises 5 dailies with a total daily circulation aggregating over 1 million copies, 1 daily free newspaper and over 30 magazine titles in key cities in North America, Southeast Asia and Mainland China, serving a vast population of readers with literacy in Chinese-language around the world.

  2. 明報新聞網是加拿大最具影響力的中文媒體之一,提供多元化的新聞、生活、娛樂、體育、財經等資訊,讓您隨時掌握全球 ...

  3. 國際. 歐3國承認巴勒斯坦國 盼助推和平. 以軍攻西岸. 極右指以軍報料助襲救援物資車隊. 以國安例沒收美聯社器材 美施壓歸還. 晴空湍流星航急墜 港人乘客留醫ICU.

  4. 新聞 >>. 加國. 渥京推出全新網絡安全策略 保護電腦系統信息庫防威脅. 前中將控政府及軍方 稱因政治原因遭惡意起訴. 卡加利人口年增9.6萬 其他省流入逾2.6萬人. 留學生較本土生居住條件差 印度學生更可能住不合適居所. 犯案僅憑一把刀及一瓶「辣椒水噴霧 ...

  5. 常常說做餐飲業、服務業最重要顧客為先,這句話是絕對沒錯,能直接影響顧客回頭再光顧的機率。. 源自8000年前的葡萄酒 格魯吉亞 地下陶缸釀酒. 葡萄酒通常以玻璃瓶作盛器,但年前開始見到有一些像工藝品般的彩陶酒瓶盛載的葡萄酒,就算不知到酒好不好喝 ...

  6. Canadian Chinese Express is a FREE bi-weekly Chinese newspaper distributed every other Friday in Toronto. To target readers from Mainland China, this paper is printed in Simplified Chinese.

  7. www.mingpaocanada.com › Van › htmMEDIA KIT 2019

    MEDIA KIT. 2019. Compared with Chinese Daily Newspaper. Ming Pao Daily News. has the highest numbers readers. 309,359 Weekly Readership*. *Source: Forward Research Group, Vancouver Chinese Media Survey 2018. Survey conducted October 2 to October 29, 2018 from a sample of 560 Chinese- Speaking adults aged 18 or older living in the Vancouver CMA.

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