雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. oval diamond ring design 相關

  2. One-on-one guidance from our expert Engagement Ring designers and jewelers. Get expert advice and guidance on your diamond choice and ring design.

  3. 擁有20多年珠寶設計和製作的經驗,廣受香港及外國旅客歡迎,信譽良好,實力非凡。 精選鑽石、寶石、珍珠,來款訂造首飾,歡迎親臨半島酒店商場選購。


  1. 2019年8月21日 · The piece of fashion designed by a resident of Caritas Li Ka Shing Care & Attention Home won The Best Design 1st Runner-up of the Yourable Fashion Design 2019 organised by the Troels H. Povlsen Care Apparel Centre of Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

  2. 2019年8月21日 · 2019-08-21. 由明愛李嘉誠護理安老院1位院友設計的服飾榮獲展才設計2019最佳設計銀獎,另1件由明愛利孝和護理安老院院友設計的作品亦入圍決賽。 此活動由香港理工大學綾緻康健服裝中心舉辦,旨在啟發長者及傷殘人士於服裝設計及製作方面的潛能,以表達個人情感及對身邊摯愛的感謝和關愛。 親友義工都到來支持院友 (中)得獎. 黃生(右一)穿上由院友(左二)及設計學生合製的服飾. 得獎者.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2023年9月19日 · 2023 Caritas Charity Bazaars. 2023-09-19. Caritas - Hong Kong has been established in Hong Kong for 70 years, catering for the needs of people through its diversified services. The Caritas Charity Bazaars held each year serve as a platform for uniting parishes, Catholic schools and Caritas units to raise funds and evangelize the love of God.

  5. 2019年10月30日 · The format of the 2019 Caritas Charity Bazaar has been changed. Mini-bazaars will be held in certain Caritas social centres and parishes from November to December.

  6. 2023年9月19日 · 2023 Caritas – Hong Kong Charity Raffle Ticket - Winning List

  7. 2022年12月16日 · 2022-12-16. Caritas Family Service displayed our service promotion booth for the second consecutive at the Wedding Expo, which was held from December 9 to 11 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

  8. 01 封面 02 目錄 03 主席的話 《鳴誌》 04 總裁的話 《德.悟.得》- 「幸福.回憶」 06 《愛.因.斯.坦》 專訪 – 黎鳳儀 ...