雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 讲座之后将有非正式的分组讨论,讨论斑马鱼中枢神经系统药物筛选的实际应用,2D和3D行为分析,视频跟踪工具,以及该领域未来的新方向。 研讨会参与者也将有机会展示他们自己的数据,讨论他们的研究问题,并从研讨会组织者和演讲者那里获得专家咨询。 语言 : 英语. 组织者: Alan V. Kaluev (Kalueff) 教授,西交利物浦大学理学院,国际斑马鱼神经科学研究联盟 (ZNRC) 主席。...

  2. You Ji 由冀 (BA, Peking, PhD, ANU) is professor in the Department of International Studies, Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University. He is author of four books in English and over 150 academic papers, including 22 SSCI journal articles. You Ji is on the editorial board of seven academic journals including The China Journal, Issue and Studies, and ...

  3. The MA Applied Linguistics (specialisation in multilingualism) offers students a wealth of knowledge and transferable skills needed in a globalised world through the power of language. Global multilingualism has only increased with the growth of communications technologies, travel, and international trade. This cross-disciplinary programme will ...

  4. 西交利物浦大学应用语言学系是一支专注于语言学、语言教育和翻译研究的学术团队,拥有来自不同国家和地区的优秀教师,提供多样化的本科和研究生课程,与国内外多所知名机构开展合作与交流,致力于培养具有国际视野和创新能力的语言专业人才。

  5. 来自全国1300余人探校!直击西浦2024硕士研究生开放日 2024年04月22日

  6. 期刊. Penglei Gao, Xi Yang, Kaizhu Huang, Rui Zhang, Yannis Goulermas, Explainable Tensorized Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Arbitrary-step Time Series Prediction , IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2022. Yangfan Zhou, Kaizhu Huang, Cheng, Cheng; Wang, Xuguang; Hussain, Amir; Liu, Xin, FastAdaBelief: Improving ...

  7. 2023年8月22日 · Welcome to the Department of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, home to researchers, educators, students, and supporting staff who strive for excellence. Financial and actuarial mathematics are challenging disciplines that address problems and provide solutions in a modern context. Both require sophisticated skills in statistics, mathematical analysis, modelling, and computational skills. We ...

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