雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年1月12日 · Horyu-ji, completed in 607 under the commission of Prince Shotoku, was dedicated to Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of healing, in honor of the prince’s father. The temple's full name of Horyu-ji Gakumon-ji literally means "Learning Temple of the Flourishing Law." As it was from here that Buddhism blossomed and spread throughout Japan under the ...

  2. 2018年6月29日 · Head east of Shinanomachi Station in central Tokyo, and the last thing you might expect to see is an ornate, neo-baroque, European-style palace. Yet that's exactly what you'll find at the State Guest House (迎賓館・Geihinkan), also known as the Akasaka Palace (赤坂離宮・Akasaka Rikyu).

  3. 2016年7月29日 · Our story begins with Prince Shotoku in what is now Osaka. At the time, there were no Buddhist temples in Japan, and no carpenters to build them, either. Prince Shotoku invited three carpenters from Baekje, a large kingdom encompassing the southwestern Korean peninsula, to come, and of them, it was Shigemitsu Kongo who founded Kongo Gumi.

  4. 而最有劃時代意義的是,飯店裡以飛機頭等艙為主題設計客房,但只收膠囊旅館的費用。. 所有飯店都設在車站步行5分鐘範圍內,不僅可投宿,還很適合短時間小憩。. 例如這赤坂店的外觀,看起來是不是十分像幻想世界?. FIRST CABIN 赤坂. 地址:東京都港區赤坂3 ...

  5. 2015年4月22日 · With 23 central city wards and multiple towns and villages west of the city center under a singular administration, it will take a while before you can call yourself a 'Tokyo Guru.' For a start, let us take you across the eastern neighborhoods!

  6. 日本到處都有古城。然而13到17世紀之間建造的大量古城,但現存的"原建築"的卻只有12座。其他的很多建築僅管已經重建,可是發現時都只剩下了城墻遺址。這次精選的六座古城在東京附近,去參觀也很方便,完全能滿足妳對日本歷史和武士道的興趣。

  7. 2019年3月18日 · The Big Tokyo Travel Guide. Michael Kanert. pixta.jp. Tokyo is a city of old and new, where modern skyscrapers rise up from the remains of centuries-old castle walls. In this multifaceted metropolis, visitors can find the vestiges of traditional Japanese life and the latest youth culture trends.