雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年6月30日 · 曾以一曲「I believed I can fly」成名的美國R&B天王凱利 (R· Kelly)因引誘女性及未成年女童出賣肉體罪成被法院判處30 年監禁。 現年55 歲、曾推出多張白金唱片的凱利被控利用他的名聲及財富、長達數十年招募及誘使成年及未成年女性參與性交易案的審訊,在去年己開始進行; 去年9 月,在凱利進行另一宗被一再拖延的芝加哥法院聯邦審判開始前的個多月,紐約法院陪審團最終亦裁定檢控對凱利提出嘅九項罪名成立;包括通常只會用於與有組織犯罪集團有關罪案的聯邦指控:「嚴重敲詐勒索罪」(Racketeering)。

  2. 2019年2月6日 · R.Kelly has announced an Australian tour. Here's why he might not get here. In the wake of ... The Creator was refused a visa in 2015 due to a grassroots campaign against his misogynistic lyrics.

    • Velvet Winter
  3. "Treaty” was composed by Yothu Yindi in collaboration with Paul Kelly and Midnight Oil to protest against the failure of the Australian Government to honour the Prime Minister's promise to ...

  4. R. Kelly was sentenced on Wednesday to 30 years in jail, nearly a year after the 55-year-old multiplatinum R&B singer was convicted by a New York jury for exploiting his stardom and wealth over ...

  5. 2019年1月19日 · Sony Music has called it quits with embattled singer R. Kelly, ending his contract with subsidiary RCA after a documentary aired accusing him of repeated cases of sexual abuse, media reports said ...

  6. 2017年1月31日 · 1. You should know about... the original lyrics. Most Australians know the two verses of the current version of the song, Advance Australia Fair, or at the very least know that they have the word 'girt' in them.

  7. Early to mid-1980s: Australia takes on the world. “Down Under” by Men At Work. “What You Need” by INXS. The homegrown acts that’d made the greatest inroads internationally in the late ...