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  1. racking systems 相關

  2. 專營優質倉存貨架,文件貨架,適合貨倉,辦公室及各行業使用。歡迎瀏覽網頁查詢。 文件貨架,適合貨倉,辦公室及各行業使用。歡迎瀏覽網頁查詢。

  3. 為您店舖提供專業一站式方案,由設計、供應、安裝以至保養、維修一條龍服務. 各大超市、百貨、零售店、酒店、餐廳及連鎖店的信心選擇!


  1. 嘉新倉儲系統有限公司. 嘉新的目標是希望利用設計優秀、切合您需要的儲存系統,提高閣下倉庫的運作效率。. 無論是新貨倉、搬遷、擴充或改動現有儲存系統之存貨量或布局,我們均能為您提供解決方案。. 我們的專業隊伍會先瞭解及評估您的儲存需要,及跟 ...

  2. How do racking components work? Racking components include kits as well as individual items, allowing you to customise your storage to meet exact needs. Different cabinet shelves sizes, finishes, materials, shelving widths and panel heights can be mixed and matched into multiple configurations.

  3. 穿梭式料架」是一種自動化倉儲系統,用於高效地存儲和檢索貨物。 由自動化穿梭車搭配倉儲料架所組成的高密度儲存系統;穿梭車通過自動控制系統進行操作,可以實現自動存儲和檢索貨物,減少人工和提高作業效率。 「 穿梭式料架 」改善後推式倉儲架設計上因軌道傾斜需更高的儲位空間、無法多棧板深的問題;且每個儲位皆需要獨立台車,造價成本高。 另也改善駛入式倉儲架結構不穩定、存取性不方便、效率低的問題;且考驗堆高機駕駛員的技術熟練度。 使用穿梭車自動化運輸貨物減少堆高機與倉儲架的碰撞,避免人為操作疏失導致倉儲架坍崩風險及維修費用。

  4. A warehouse rack system is a storage system designed to organize and store products in a warehouse or distribution center. These systems consist of vertical frames and horizontal beams that support shelves.

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  5. Introduction介紹. Also called slide racking, flow racking is a must for storage, distribution, and other logistics operations. Unlike ordinary racking, flow racking allows FIFO, saves storage space, helps improving efficiency, and is an ideal racking idea for Kanban management in production lines and logistics centers.

  6. Crown can help determine the right combination of warehouse racking solutions to fit your warehouse space and your warehouse storage system requirements. Choosing the right pallet racking system is critical when trying to make the most of your warehouse storage space.

  7. 超窄通道貨架 / Very Narrow Aisle Pallet Racking 是標準式貨架的進階版無需更多空間卻有高密度和容量的存儲系統。 這類貨架因通道窄而節省了40% 以上的空間。