雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年6月1日 · In Japan, there's a custom observed in June known as koromogae that involves the changing of school uniforms and work clothes to accompany the change of the seasons. Said to have begun as an event in the imperial court during the Heian Era (794-1185), this custom could be considered characteristic of Japan, where life is so closely ...

  2. 2016年4月12日 · If you're stepping into a Japanese school for the first time, there are a number of things that will likely be quite different from your own school days at home. Below we outline six things that might surprise you in Japanese public schools, from the interesting to the practical—to the downright shocking! 6. Classrooms Aren't Heated or Cooled.

  3. 2016年4月11日 · Every student in a public junior high school will wear a school uniform that, while similar, is unique to their school. The concept of a homeroom also isn’t strange in Western education, but a homeroom at a chu-gakko is the room where assigned students will have all of their classes except gym, cooking, art, and some science lessons.

  4. 2017年8月18日 · SoraNews24 Updated September 1, 2017. Shopping Design Pets Fashion. twitter.com. It’s sort of ironic that while high schools in Japan stipulate that students must wear uniforms, the schoolgirl outfit is so popular that some people choose to keep the motif in their wardrobes even after graduating.

  5. 2017年4月21日 · After several years of wearing pallid school uniforms, this is a good chance to show off some color! During university graduation ceremonies, you can see almost every girl in a kimono—while guys generally wear suits.

  6. 2019年7月7日 · 目前袴雖然已經不再作為校服供女學生們每天穿著,但卻是大學女生在畢業典禮時的必備禮服。 象徵從學生時代進入社會的一個重要時刻,女學生們會換上這樣的傳統服飾,作為對自己未來的一個期許。 穿著上上半身會保留振袖的選擇,再搭配下半身的袴,以及方便行走的帥氣短靴,由於是兩種服飾的搭配,因此選擇上多元許多。 在日本體驗「袴」的方案與費用. 目前可以體驗袴的店家可能比普通和服、浴衣體驗的店家稍微少一些,如果大家想要體驗袴,建議可以在尋找時,留意官網中所設定的方案,若是方案選擇多元,大多也是在經營袴的體驗上別有用心,那麼能夠選擇的種類也會較為多元。

  7. 2019年6月3日 · 1. Numajiri Textile Laboratory. http://numaken.com/en/ Old-fashioned fabric techniques are once again setting trends in Japan.

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