雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年11月30日 · Your first step is complete. But don’t celebrate just yet—there are a few more requirements you need to meet in order to be eligible for a working holiday visa. They vary by country, but as a rough guideline you must: ・Currently reside in your home country (except for Hong Kong and Taiwan).

  2. 7. Frankie Cihi. Painter Frankie Cihi, a half-Japanese half-American graduate of New York’s School of Visual Arts, made the move to Tokyo after finishing school, where she taught English before gracing the television screen—including her stint as a cast member of the 2014 hit reality show Terrace House.

  3. 2019年3月18日 · Moving to Japan evokes ideas of picnics under cherry blossoms, nights at karaoke bars and lots of adventure. But before packing your bags, read up about the basics of what to expect when immigrating and living in Japan, including some new potential changes in labor law, tax law and visa requirements that you should know about. 1.

  4. 誰都不用求,自己駕車說走就走的九州之旅全攻略. 近年,隨著來日本旅遊越來越容易,普通遊客算基本擺脫了對無良旅行團的依賴,再也不必被傻傻拉到專做外國人生意的商場強行消費了。. 此一時,彼一時,日本自由行正方興未艾,對大家來說,想來日本玩 ...

  5. 2019年3月18日 · Honestly, working in Japan can be very frustrating and challenging. In my industry long hours are required, and work-life balance is generally poor. Internal and external meetings are often long and inefficient. There is also a significant gender imbalance from the manager-level up, and entrenched gender biases are evident.

  6. 2014年2月4日 · 热海,憧憬、梦幻、历史、现实相互交织的热情之海. 丰平川 2015年12月8日 更新. 日本乡间. www.huffingtonpost.jp. 对于旅行者来说,热海毫无疑问是个好去处,不仅因为巴士、新干线以及各种线路直通东京,更主要的是这里有五花八门、让人耳目一新的项目。. 出了热 ...

  7. 其實,每一種語言都有其獨特的地方,比如,日文中有許多擬音詞、擬態詞,對初學日語的外國人來說太過抽象,很難掌握。. 要知道,單是表達疼痛的詞,在日語裡就有好多好多呢。. 牙痛和背痛的說法完全不一樣。. 除此以外,肚子痛、頭痛等各種疼痛都有 ...