雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 5 天前 · Our stories. Putting Police in the Policy Address. A new name would set the right tone. (18-Aug-2024) Meaningless board games at HKEX, and how the UK FCA has just made an awful mistake. We review the proposals for a 6-seat and 9-year limit on so-called INEDs, along with other changes that do nothing to address HK's corporate governance deficit.

  2. Welcome to Webb-site Database, a free database of people, organisations and statistics of Hong Kong and beyond, drawing together publicly available data. Please attribute any use of this database to Webb-site.com in your research or publication.

  3. 2024年5月21日 · 獨立股評人﹑資深投資者David Webb於4年驗出患上前列腺癌後,仍不時更新其個人網站Webb-site內容。 今年8月將踏入60歲的他,日前於網站內表示有義務 港聞

  4. 2024年5月21日 · 獨立股評人David Webb自從4年前確診前列腺癌後,開始減少公開露面,近日David Webb在其創立個人網站兼企業數據庫「Webb-site」發文,目前自己相對健康,但正在制訂計劃,冀在自己離世後,讓「Webb-site」繼續運行。

  5. 5 天前 · While this region has been observed previously with NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, the dusty red galaxy that forms the intriguing question-mark shape only came into view with Webb. This is a result of the wavelengths of light that Hubble detects getting trapped in cosmic dust, while longer wavelengths of infrared light are able to pass ...

  6. David M. Webb is Founder of Webb-site.com, a non-profit site promoting better corporate and economic governance in Hong Kong. Covering such issues as electoral reform, government intervention, tax and budget, competition and transparency, and fraud in individual listed companies, Webb-site.com has over 25,000 subscribers to its free newsletter ...

  7. 2023年3月13日 · Webb-Site指12港上市司與矽谷銀行有往來. 2023年03月13日 08:51 最後更新:09:50. 美國矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank,SVB)爆煲,銀行與環球初創關係密切,獨立股評人David Webb旗下分析網站Webb-Site統計資料顯示,有12間香港上市公司與矽谷銀行有業務往來,當中7間為生物 ...

  8. 2022年6月16日 · 【明報專訊】近年抱恙嘅獨立股評人David Webb,一直透過佢創辦嘅資訊網站Webb-site.com向投資者提供各類資訊,簡單方便嘅介面甚至仲易睇過部分官方網站。

  9. 2024年2月22日 · NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has found the best evidence yet for emission from a neutron star at the site of a recently observed supernova. The supernova, known as SN 1987A, was a core-collapse supernova, meaning the compacted remains at its core formed either a neutron star or a black hole. Evidence for such a compact object has long ...

  10. 韋伯是香港證券專業學會會員,他創辦的非牟利獨立網站 Webb-site.com,對香港財經界、經濟及政治發表評論。 韋伯每年 聖誕節 前,會公開推介一隻他在未來一年看好的股票,通常都得到不少公眾投資者追捧。

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