雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年10月6日 · Checking out the lines of colorful and quirky ema plaques where worshippers write their wishes. Back in 1900, Tokyo Daijingu Shrine was the first shrine to hold a wedding ceremony, and ever since it has been known as the place to pray for finding a partner or ensuring a successful marriage.

  2. 2023年8月28日 · A serene and spiritual forest thrives in the middle of the concrete jungle. The densely forested grounds of Meiji Jingu Shrine occupy a large swath of land bisecting Shinjuku and Shibuya. A walking path cuts through the trees, leading to the shrine in the center. Walking along this misty trail will make you forget you're in the middle of two of ...

  3. 2024年1月22日 · komorebi. For up-to-date information on opening hours and further details please check the official websites. Mizuhiki is a traditional decoration with deep ties to Japanese culture and important real-life applications. It is a decorative knot used to seal gifts given during ceremonies such as weddings and funerals.

  4. 2022年12月21日 · Updated: November 1, 2023. ※2023年活動取消。. 在東京站附近地區將舉辦「東京MICHITERASU 2022」。. 今年演出的主題是「Anniversary City」。. 今年是鐵道成立150週年、丸之內大廈20週年、新丸之內大廈15週年,對東京站丸之內地區來說是值得紀念的一年。. 為了分享這份喜悅 ...

  5. 発着場所・出航時刻・航行コースなどが自由にアレンジ可能なフロンティアルーツ号。40~140名の忘年会・新年会・歓送迎会・納涼会・ウェディング2次会など幅広いパーティーに貸し切りで利用できます。非日常的な空間でパーティーを楽しんでみては。飲食無しでの貸切利用も可能。

  6. 2023年10月11日 · Note: The 2023 installment of this event has already taken place. Dating back 730 years, the Oeshiki ceremony marks the anniversary of the passing of Nichiren (1222-1282), the charismatic man who founded the Nichiren sect of Buddhism and eventually died at Ikegami Honmonji Temple.

  7. 東京巴士觀光. 東京戶外景點推薦. 博物館&魔法:闔家同樂的東京遊憩活動. 澀谷站、新宿站周邊誕生東京新地標. 在銀座、淺草、東京鐵塔的VR度假與電競冒險. 寓教於樂的東京兒童景點. 不只夾、不只扭,更是大小朋友共享玩心的休閒去處 ーー 東京最新「遊戲 ...