雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年12月1日 · Filmmaker Hikaru Toda is working on an intriguing documentary about Fumi & Kazu, who run the first openly gay law firm in Japan. Passionate about justice, the lawyers “know all too well the realities of being different in a homogenous society.”. And while the documentary revolves around the duo, like any legal matter the story is in their ...

  2. 2019年3月18日 · Prior to 2013, if a beneficiary’s jusho was outside Japan, they were considered a “limited taxpayer,” and were liable only for inheritance tax on assets in Japan at the time a relative passes away. However, in April 2013, Japan introduced changes to its inheritance tax laws designed to target Japanese nationals who were giving up their citizenship to avoid taxes on their overseas assets.

  3. 2016年7月29日 · Kongo Gumi still holds a 3-meter (9.8 ft) scroll dating back to the 17th century, detailing the family history for 40 generations, all the way back to the year 578. Founded over 1,400 years ago, Kongo Gumi is a Japanese temple-building company that's responsible for a number of the most famous structures in the Kansai area.

  4. 2017年11月2日 · 「WAmazing」是針對訪日觀光客所提供的一款嶄新的APP,不僅搭載有計程車預約配車功能、日本當地的旅遊團可供報名,更有住宿預約等超強功能。處此之外,設置在機場的這台「WAmazing」更提供有方便旅人自由自在上網的SIM卡,旅人只須在出發前下載APP便能獲取15天有效上網的免費SIM卡。

  5. Menu裡除了有很多加了牡蠣與紫蘇葉等等特別的廣島燒,最有名最有人氣的當然還是與店名相同的「電光石火」。. 因為是用蛋作的,整個廣島燒的形狀也是高高圓圓的,這麼高的廣島燒日本的其他地方可能也吃不到吧。. 放進嘴裡,被蛋的熱氣蒸過的高麗菜的 ...

  6. 2023年7月6日 · 引人入勝的多樣化賞楓首選 | 中島公園. 作為札幌人引以為傲的城市綠洲,中島公園佔地極廣(約有4.5個東京巨蛋)、四季皆美,雖過往名氣不如北海道大學,但因日劇《First Love》在園內札幌天文臺取景而聲名大噪。. 中島公園入口處即有高達10公尺的銀杏步道 ...

  7. 2016年11月30日 · Ichinoyu Shinkan is a ryokan built on serene, high ground surrounded by greenery. It's located near Hakone-Yumoto Station, which is famous as a sightseeing spot, with many souvenir and anime shops to stroll by. Experience the gentle, alkaline water brought up from an exclusive spring to private baths attached to the guest rooms.

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