雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 駕駛人身份証及駕駛執照副本. Copy of the driver’s Identity Card and Driving Licence. 3.証明駕駛人具兩年或以上駕駛經驗之文件Documentary proof of the driver’s driving experience with 2 years or above. 4.駕駛人簽回附上向警方索取資料授權書 The enclosed Authorization Letter be duly signed by the ...

  2. 產品介紹. 服務支援. 即時投保. 加載中... 中銀集團保險將繼續以多元化的產品、眾多的銷售渠道、緊貼巿場的發展策略及經營方針,為客戶提供優質、專業的服務。. 中銀集團保險主要經營的險種有:火險、財產一切險、現金險、船舶險、盜竊險、運輸險(海上 ...

  3. g the driver having a minimum of 2 years’ driving experience駕駛人簽回附件向警方索取資料授權書 ( 簽署樣式需與警方口供紙上簽署樣式相同) The enclosed Authorization Letter to be duly signed by the Driver for the pur. ose of obtaining the relevant information from the Police (N.B. The signa. 任何有關是次 ...

  4. 包括醫院護士、家庭主婦、營業代表、家傭、外勤員、工廠管工、 子厰 工人、侍應生、私人司機、保險經紀、物業代理、髮型師、信差、售貨 員、裁縫等。 Persons engaging in outdoor or minor manual works: including hospital nurse, housewife, sale ...

  5. 1 MOT-A-BK-2019-V03 投保汽車資料 Particulars of vehicle to be insured 車輛登記號碼 出廠年份 Registration number Year of manufacture 廠名 Make 型號 Model 車身

  6. 傳真 Fax : 3906 9948電郵 Email: osc_policy@bocgroup.com# 必須填寫項目Mandatory Fields ( 如果提供的附夾文件中已有投保書所需資料,或之前曾提供予 . 銀集團保險且無須更新的資料,可不必填寫。You are not required to fill in the mandatory fields if the supporting documents attached to your ...

  7. Change the Policy effective date of Travel Insurance Policy: 請遵從以下步驟Please follow these steps: 請重新投保新的保單,並於申請時註明您新的保單生效日期。. Please first apply for a new policy and indicate your new policy effective date. 在下方填寫新的保單號碼。. Fill in the policy number of your ...

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