雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. e-quiz.eaa.org.hk › equiz › jspEAA e-Quiz

    網上個案研習是監管局為持牌人提供的網上持續專業進修活動。 它是一個模擬的物業交易,盡量反映持牌人在日常執業時遇到的事情,而其內容不會局限於資格考試的基本範圍。 在閱讀個案的背景及相關的資料後,參加者需要回答10-20條問題。 若能取得合格的分數,參加者便可獲取1個核心活動學分。 每次網上個案研習的合格要求會因應有關個案的深淺程度而改變。 網上個案研習舉行次數. 網上個案研習會每2個月舉辦1次,並在舉辦月份的第2個星期二發布。 網上答題的登記程序. 參加網上個案研習的持牌人必須預先在網上個案研習網頁登記: 進入“登記” 持牌人須提供個人資料以填妥網上申請表格。 請自選個人用戶編號及密碼. 成功登記後,持牌人將收到由電郵發放的「登記通知書」

  2. e-quiz.eaa.org.hk › equiz › jspEAA e-Quiz

    According to Section 5.1 of the CPD Guidelines, the number of CPD points that can be earned through e-Quiz is capped at 4 points per CPD period. Enquiries. Professional Development Section, EAA. Hotline: 2111 2777 (Continuing Professional Development Scheme) Fax: 2152 3600. Email: eaatraining@eaa.org.hk.

  3. e-quiz.eaa.org.hk › equiz › jspEAA e-Quiz

    e-Quiz system is unavailable between 4:00pm and 4:30pm each day while the system is being backed-up.

  4. e-quiz.eaa.org.hk › equiz › jspEAA e-Quiz

    网上个案研习是监管局为持牌人提供的网上持续专业进修活动。. 它是一个模拟的物业交易,尽量反映持牌人在日常执业时遇到的事情,而其内容不会局限于资格考试的基本范围。. 在阅读个案的背景及相关的资料后,参加者需要回答10-20条问题。. 若能取得合格 ...

  5. e-Quiz 4 wrong. (ii) (iii) and (iv) can be found in our Circular No. 05-02 (CR) on “Takeover of Tenancy /Business”. A transfer of tenancy and business (e.g., a restaurant, as in this case) usually involves many complex and difficult legal and practical matters and

  6. e-quiz.eaa.org.hk › equiz › jspEAA e-Quiz

    Licencee Registration Participants agree that the personal data collected below may be used for the purpose of administering the e-Quiz, producing the e-Quiz completion certificate, conducting and verifying attendance at Continuing Professional Development ...

  7. e-quiz.eaa.org.hk › equiz › quiz2013 Oct EngS

    e-Quiz 1 October 2013 e-Quiz Notes to candidates: (1) Most of the contents of this e-Quiz are adopted from October 2011 e-Quiz. (2) Please read the scenario before attempting the questions. The subject matter and names of parties are fictitious. (3) Clause 5.

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