雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. After Birth Neonatal Nursing Care Our doctors and nurse-midwives are very experienced in the provision of professional and loving care to mothers and newborns. Babies are closely monitored, depending on their health conditions to ensure that the most appropriate

  2. 版權所有 © 2024 香港養和醫院有限公司 保留一切權利

  3. 2022年3月23日 · Established in 1922, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital is one of the leading private hospitals in Hong Kong known for its high quality of patient care based on advanced knowledge, expertise and technology in the health care field. Founded as The Yeung Wo Nursing Home with 28 beds in the beginning, today the Hospital has around 500 beds and more ...

  4. The quantity and quality of female eggs will decrease with age, overall health, medication (e.g. chemotherapy) and surgery (e.g. ovarian cystectomy). We provide legal storage service for egg freezing with Ultrarapid Vitrification, thus helping women maintain their fertility.

  5. 電話: 2835 7878 傳真: 2892 7581 電子郵件: ogc@hksh-hospital.com WhatsApp: (852) 2835 7878 (非急症) 請以文字信息提供姓名及聯絡方法, 本中心稍後由專人致電聯絡。

  6. Tel: 2835 7878 Fax: 2892 7581 Email: ogc@hksh-hospital.com WhatsApp: (852) 2835 7878 (For non-emergency cases) Please provide name and contact number in text message. Our Centre will contact you by phone to confirm. Do not send voice messages

  7. 月經周期乃指女性身體每月作成孕準備之過程,平均維持28天,或介乎21至35天不等。 女性如出現停經(閉經)或其他月經紊亂等問題,顯示身體出現毛病。月經紊亂可導致周期間出血、月經不來或月經失血過多,必須尋求專業意見,以作診斷。

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