雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.swd.gov.hk › ngoitcorner › docwww.swd.gov.hk

    This includes Al chatbots such as "ChatGPT" which are programmes based on a large language model with the ability to generate natural language text based on a given input. In light of the growing popularity of Al chatbots, the Office of the

  2. The statistics on cases involving child protection, spouse / cohabitant battering and sexual violence cases in the territories are captured by the Child Protection Registry (CPR) and the Central Information System on Spouse / Cohabitant Battering Cases and Sexual Violence Cases (CISSCBSV) managed by Social Welfare Department respectively.

  3. 簡介. 香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會「自殺危機處理中心」為有強烈或中度自殺傾向人士提供24小時危機介入和深入輔導等服務。. 此外,中心亦與機構轄下的「生命教育中心」、「熱線中心」及/或其他相關機構合作,為受自殺行為影響的人士(包括家人和朋友 ...

  4. 《安老院(護養院)實務守則》 (2020年1月) (2023年3月更新) iv 8.5 日常活動程序 44 員工記錄8.6 44 安老院8.7 (護養院)的運作記錄 44 8.8 員工會議 49 8.9 防止虐老 49 8.10 處理個人資料 50 8.11 其他相關法定要求 51

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