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  1. About Caritas. Caritas Hong Kong (Caritas) was founded in July 1953 by the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. The primary purpose of its establishment was to offer relief and rehabilitation services to the poor and the distressed, with the aim of addressing some of the social hardships and inequalities in Hong Kong resulting from the Second ...

  2. www.caritas.org.hk › resources › newsletterCaritas

    Caritas ... 15

  3. 賀詞:亞洲明愛主席 - Dr. Benedict Alo D'Rozario. 6. 序一:天主教香港教區 - 周守仁主教. 8. 序二:香港明愛總裁 - 閻德龍神父. 10. 信念、願景、使命、核心價值. 11. 香港明愛標誌的演變.

  4. 香港明愛是國際明愛165個成員組織之一。 國際明愛服務範圍遍達全球200多個國家。 每個明愛組織皆肩負重大的使命 : 共建一個擺脫貧困、消除隔膜的社群﹔共建一個人人平等、充滿愛心的融和世界。

  5. Core Beliefs, Vision and Mission. As its name indicates, Caritas ( “Αγάπη”= “Caritas” = “Christ's Love”) strives to bear witness to the world over and be rooted where the neediest are, at the base of society, in the poorest communities, and to make itself available to render help where the need is greatest; not to dominate, not ...

  6. www.caritas.org.hk › resources › annualreportCARITAS HONG KONG

    Caritas, the official social service agency of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong, is essentially a movement of understanding and concern, of caring and service, of integral human development and solidarity. Its special attention is directed to the needs and aspirations

  7. 明愛英文名稱 “ Caritas ”意思是「基督之愛」。 為了見證基督的愛,明愛堅持紮根於社會基層、並為最需要援助的貧困人士服務。 非以操控、非以教訓、非以判斷,乃以服務彰顯寬容仁愛,並以恩慈關愛團結社會。 明愛更希望透過各項服務,最終能協助受眾發展自我,克服人生路上的各種困難及挑戰。 明愛認識到與時並進、緩急有致的重要性。 我們相信,作為一個教會機構,明愛是傳播愛心的一道橋樑、一件器具、一個中介、一股動力。 服務不應只達到物質效果,而是要鼓舞人心、回饋社會;服務本身更是一個推廣普世信仰價值的機會。 在明愛的理念裏,受助人並非依存者,而是需要機會實現自我的弟兄姐妹。 不論受助者的種族、性別、信仰或理念,明愛也希望藉著各項服務,全面照顧他們在人生不同階段的需要。

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