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  1. 2023年4月13日 · 关於乐施毅行者. 「乐施毅行者」是香港最大型的远足筹款活动。. 自1986年以来,先後有逾100,000多名参加者为这项活动合共筹得超过6亿港元,以支持乐施会在本港丶中国内地丶非洲及亚洲其他地区推行扶贫救灾和倡议工作。. 不过,目前全球仍有数以亿计的贫穷 ...

  2. 2023年4月13日 · 關於樂施毅行者. 「樂施毅行者」是香港最大型的遠足籌款活動。. 自1986年以來,先後有逾100,000多名參加者為這項活動合共籌得超過6億港元,以支持樂施會在本港、中國內地、非洲及亞洲其他地區推行扶貧救災和倡議工作。. 不過,目前全球仍有數以億計的貧窮 ...

  3. The Oxfam Trailwalker (OTW) is one of the largest fundraising sporting events in Hong Kong. The event this year has been scheduled for 15 to 17 November 2024 (Friday to Sunday). The 100 km trail starts from Pak Tam Chung in Sai Kung and finishes at Harrow International School Hong Kong in Tuen Mun. There are nine checkpoints along the route.

  4. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Oxfam Trailwalker, a spin-off event named “Oxfam Trailwalker 2024 - 40th Anniversary Edition (40km)” is newly launched to encourage participants to experience the challenging walk for the first time. The event will start at Pak Tam Chung, Sai Kung and finish at Gilwell Campsite, Fei Ngo Shan.

  5. The preparation work of Oxfam Trailwalker 2024 has started! This is one of the biggest fund raising events of Oxfam Hong Kong, and we need your help in supporting us. Are you interested in experiencing this extraordinary challenge? We are now recruiting volunteers, so please register as Friends of Oxfam Trailwalker from now on.

  6. Spare Phone Batteries / External Battery Pack. Mosquito Repellent. Tissue Paper. Whistle (In case of emergencies) Painkiller, Diarrhoea Medicine. Plasters / DuoDERM. First Aid Kit. Compass. Maps Marked with the Oxfam Trailwalker Route and Checkpoints.

  7. 2017年11月23日 · AIA Vitality 勇於挑戰大獎 這項由活動首席贊助AIA設立的隊際獎項,今年共有13支初次參加樂施毅行者的隊伍報名,他們都設立了個別的FACEBOOK專頁,展現在訓練和參與毅行者的過程中,付出最大的動力和決心,你可以到以下網頁,參考他們的備戰情況。