雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. Cef Course 相關

  2. 專業烘焙課程,課程務求與時並進,以及提升學員對廚務管理的專業知識和技巧。CEF西廚及烘焙課程. 入行學廚前先修讀課程,更多機遇,專業西廚及烘焙課程,創造機會。提供以實務為主的獨特學習體驗


  1. 2024年3月21日 · 政府的持續進修基金(CEF)最新資助額達 HK$25,000,包括香港駕駛學院、李健駕駛學校及貨櫃業職工總會的駕駛課程,學車人士扣除資助金額後只需支付約 HK$5,000 至 HK$6,000。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • What Vehicle and Transmission Type to Learn?
    • Private Car/Van Learning and License Process
    • Good Things and Bad About Private Instructors
    • Good Things and Bad About Driving Schools
    • Fee Comparison
    • How Do I Claim CEF Reimbursement For Learning to Drive?
    • Scheduling For The Written and The Road Tests

    Before starting your driving lessons, you first need to decide whether you want to learn to drive a private car or a van. Undoubtedly, private cars are easier for beginners. But if you have a light goods vehicle license, you can still drive a private car, but you cannot drive a light goods vehicle with a private car license. Moreover, if you plan t...

    Complete the application forms, including the driving test application (TD82) and the learner's license application (TD555).
    Bring the completed forms and proof of address within the past three months to the Hong Kong Licensing Office or Kowloon Licensing Office to complete the procedures and pay the driving test and lea...
    Get a written test scheduling letter and take the test on the specified date. The written test consists of 20 multiple-choice questions, and at least 16 correct answers are required to pass.
    After passing the written test, schedule the road test immediately.

    The TD recommends a minimum of 30 hours of driving training. Most driving schools offer 45-minute lessons, so you would need at least 40 sessions to meet the TD's recommendation. Different private instructors have different styles and temperaments. Some instructors are patient and gentle, while others are more aggressive including in the way they t...

    Some of the best known driving schools in Hong Kong include the Hong Kong School of Motoring, New Kwun Tong Driving School, A1 Driving School, Hung Chun Driving School, and Lee Kin Driving School. Different driving schools have slightly different courses, including fees such as tuition fees and car rental fees, as well as the number of lessons. Fur...

    Light Goods Vehicle

    *The above fees do not include car rental fees, scheduling fees ($510), and learner's license fees ($548). Fees are for reference only, and the actual fees are subject to the latest quotes from the driving schools. Most driving schools' courses include free test scheduling services.

    1. Hong Kong School of Motoring

    The Hong Kong School of Motoring has its own training grounds where candidates can practice various driving techniques such as parking, U-turns on narrow roads, starting and stopping on slopes, and more. They also provide a dedicated mobile app for candidates to view video clips of routes and driving skills, as well as make class reservations. The school offers a variety of examination courses, but they are also the most expensive in Hong Kong. The courses are mainly divided into two types: t...

    2. Hung Chun Driving School

    Hung Chun Driving School has multiple branches and offers flexible class schedules. They provide discounted packages (taking private car courses as an example, they have packages of 7, 15, and 25 sessions). Students can also purchase sessions individually, although the package fees per session are generally cheaper. However, online registration is currently not available, and students need to personally head to the branches to register. Moreover, sessions in the Kowloon and New Territories ar...

    As mentioned above, Hong Kong School of Motoring's private car driving certificate course (CFE course code: 33C121778) and light goods vehicle driving certificate course (CFE course code: 33C121786) are included as CEF"courses eligible for reimbursement." However, you should note that even if you enroll in these courses, you still need to pay a fee...


    To schedule the test, you need to visit a licensing office to submit the "Driving Test Application TD82", "Learner's Driving License TD555" and proof of address from the past three months, and pay the relevant fees. Once your application is confirmed, you will receive a written test scheduling letter and the "Road Users' Code".

    Written test

    Approximately one month later, you need to go to the Cheung Sha Wan Transport Department to take the written test. You must bring the written test scheduling letter and your HKID card to the test center. The test will last for 20 minutes and consists of 20 questions, and you need to answer at least 16 correctly to pass. After completing the written test, the TD will provide you with a road test scheduling letter with the time and location of the road test.

    Road test

    The road test is divided into two parts–Parts B and C. You need to bring the road test scheduling letter, HKID card, learner's driving license, and student handbook to the test location. Before the test starts, you will undergo a vision test (reading a license plate from 23 meters away) before proceeding with Part B, which includes U-turning, driving on a slope, stopping, and parking. Part C will test your driving on the streets. After passing the road test, you can apply for a probationary d...

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  2. 2022年9月5日 · 駕駛改進課程主要對象及期限. 根據香港法例,以下司機須 強制修習駕駛改進課程 : (a) 觸犯以下嚴重交通罪行(根據《道路交通條例》第374章)而被定罪的人士: - 第 36 條下的危險駕駛引致他人死亡. - 第 36A 條下的危險駕駛引致他人身體受嚴重傷害. - 第 37 條下的危險駕駛. - 第 39、39A、39B 和 39C 條下的酒後駕駛罪行. - 第 39J、39K、39L、39O (1) 和 39S 條下的藥後駕駛罪行. - 第 41 條下的超速駕駛,而時速超過車速限制 45 公里以上;或. - 第 55 條下的賽車或進行速度測試. 一般來說,違反交通規例者須 根據法庭命令的期限內 修習該課程。 (b) 在兩年內累積違例駕駛分數達 10 分或以上的重覆干犯交通罪行者。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  3. 2023年12月28日 · 筆試內容為 20 條選擇題,需答對 16 條或以上方為及格. 筆試合格後,可即時辦理路試排期信. 選擇駕駛學院或私人師傅學車,根據運輸署建議最少有 30 小時路面實習. 根據路試排期信上所列日期應考路試,分為: 乙部︰主要考斜坡開車、停車,泊位及窄路掉頭. 丙部︰根據運輸署所訂的考試路線進行路試. 7. 合格後,獲發暫准駕駛執照(P 牌) 駕駛學院好定私人師傅好? 私人師傅優點/缺點. 運輸署建議學神們要上最少30小時的駕駛訓練,坊間學車大多為45分鐘一堂,即是至少要有40堂才合符運輸署的建議。 不同的私人教車師傅的風格和脾氣都不同,某些師傅較有耐性和溫婉,有些師傅的脾氣和言語則較為暴烈。 你可以透過試堂先了解師傅的風格是否適合你的需要。

  4. 2020年12月24日 · 新手司機申請私家車車牌指南. 考車路試貼士. 根據考牌官在「優質駕駛導師培訓課程」中披露,近年考生有常犯八大「必肥」嚴重駕駛錯誤。 轉換行車線前未有查察交通情况. 這是眾多錯誤之中比較冤枉的,因為即使你在切線前有回頭望也好,如果回頭的角度不較誇張,又或者是考牌官剛好沒有看到,那麼你也一樣會當犯上這個錯誤而被肥佬。 所以考生最好根據標準作出「不小於90度的望鏡、擰頭、望盲點動作」,但僅記望完後要盡快完成轉線動作,以免路面情況有變 。 車速不適當. 很多時候考生都以為開得慢一點就代表安全,但考牌官會認為在交通暢順下,開得太慢反而會阻礙交通,同時亦代表著考生對於自己的技術沒有信心。 而根據駕駛考試的指引,一般車速應該界乎 30 公里至 50 公里。 如果是棍波則應盡量使用三波行駛。

  5. 2019年12月19日 · 電單車強制試是展示你駕駛技術的時候,考試中,你需要在指定的場地範圍內完成不同操作,包括: 發動引擎. 開車. 停車. 左轉. 右轉. 緊急剎車. 發出明確訊號. 丙部試 - 路試. 最後一部份,你要載著考牌官在街上走。 情況就像初次約會般,考牌官會從多項準則審視你的技術,看你在紅燈位、路口及迴旋處等地的表現。 何時可以取得正式的電單車及機動三輪車牌照? 成功完成乙部試後,你可以申請電單車學牌。 這牌照讓你可在香港的路面行駛,不過需要遵守相關的地點及時間限制。 當你的丙部試後合格後(但願一切順利! ),你就可以申請正式牌照。 你可以在考試合格後七天內聯絡 運輸署的牌照辦事處 申請牌照。 記得你的第一個車牌只會是 P 牌。 你要持有 P 牌 12 個月後,才可以正式申請該類別車輛的完整牌照。

  6. 2024年4月18日 · 逾期續牌又應該如何處理? 今天的快而保專題,我們的專家會為你解答上述疑難。 延伸閱讀: 【驗車攻略】新車、二手車及續牌驗車費用、文件及流程. 【二手車買賣流程】車輛過戶手續、文件及注意事項. 【新手司機懶人包】買新車定二手車好 + 買車注意事項 2023. 2024 汽車牌費/續牌價錢費用. 私家車及客貨車牌費價錢是 根據引擎汽缸容量 而定,例如 1,500 cc - 2,500 cc;至於客貨車及電動車牌費價錢則是按車輛重量而定,超過特定重量就會加收牌費。 私家車(汽油)牌費價錢. 私家車(輕質柴油)牌費. 電動車牌費計算機. 車廠. 型號. 年期 四個月 一年. 淨重量: 牌費: * 留意上述牌費數字僅供參考。

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