雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 當代作品中如楊潔明的《新翻羽調綠要》,朱毅 文博的《春雨》, 吳厚元的《訴--讀琵琶行有感》, 以及劉德海的不少作品如《天鵝》等等,還有近代 劉天華的三首琵琶曲和華彥鈞的《大浪淘沙》, 都必將作為琵琶音樂經典而載入史冊。

  2. Solo albums. Chinese pipa and guzheng music from the classical and folkloric traditions and world music.

  3. 唱片包括了劉芳演奏的傳統琵琶和古箏獨奏曲六首以及劉芳分別与三名來自不同國度的著名音樂家的二重奏即興演奏五首。 他們是非洲馬里的巴拉克﹒蘇塑庫(Ballake Sissoko, 非洲豎琴),阿爾及利亞的阿腊(Alla, 阿拉伯烏特琴)和法國的亨利﹒吐尼埃爾(Henri ...

  4. 当代作品中如杨洁明的《新翻羽调绿要》,朱毅 文博的《春雨》, 吴厚元的《诉--读琵琶行有感》, 以及刘德海的不少作品如《天鹅》等等,还有近代 刘天华的三首琵琶曲和华彦钧的《大浪淘沙》 , 都必将作为琵琶音乐经典而载入史册。. 中国为一多民族国家 ...

  5. www.liufangmusic.net › English › biographyLiu Fang: Biography

    Biography. (short version) Born in Kunming (China) in 1974, Liu Fang started learning the pipa (Chinese luete) at the age of 6 and soon began to perform in public as child prodigy, including a performance for the Queen of England during a royal visit to China.

  6. www.liufangmusic.net › big5 › history_of_pipa琵琶藝朮的發展簡史

    照片由加拿大法文 報社著名攝影師嘉可納多(Jacques Nadeau)于一九九七年九月二十二日在 芳的音樂會上現場拍攝,并 刊登在次日該報(Le Devoir)的頭版。 曲目

  7. Liu Fang's pipa solo albums - traditional and classical pipa music. Liu Fang's pipa playing MP3 sample s. Chinese zither - Guzheng. The Guzheng (pronounced "Goo-Zheng"), originally known as "Zheng", is a plucked string instrument that is part of the zither family, related to the Japanese koto, Vietnamese dan tranh and Korean kayagum.