雅虎香港 搜尋


    • The Big Buddha 天壇大佛。You can take the Ngong Ping 360 cable car to visit the Big Buddha and the Po Lin Monastery.
    • The Peak 山頂。If you haven’t been up The Peak, you haven’t been to Hong Kong.
    • Star Ferry 天星小輪。Your journey in Hong Kong isn’t complete until you have taken a Star Ferry ride.
    • Temple Street 廟街。The Temple Street night market is worth checking out.廟街夜市值得到訪。
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    During National Day my parents and I went to Hong Kong in South China.It is a beautiful seaside city because there are many places of interest in it.At first we visited my cousin's house.His house is quite different from mine.It is big and clean.Each room is decorated in different kinds of styles.Those made us feel excited.And then we visited Hong ...

    We got to Hong Kong early in the morning. It had taken us about 2 hours to come here by plane. It is really an exciting city and very different from Taiyuan. My uncle showed my mother and me around Hong Kong. We visited Hong Kong Park. 我们在清晨到了香港。我们花了大约2个小时的飞机来到这里。这真是一个令人兴奋的城市,和太原完全不同。我叔叔带我和妈妈到处游览。我们参观了香港公园。 After lunch we went to St. John's Cathedr...

    I went to Hong Kong for the first time this summer holiday.It is a modern city with many skyscrapers and highly-developed transportation system.It is always said that Hong Kong is the shopper's paradise for lower prices of internationally-known cosmetics and clothes brands.During my stay in Hong KongI took a visit to the Marine Park and Disneyland ...

    On our first day in Hong Kong, we went to Disneyland. As soon as we entered the gate, we saw a whale spraying water with its tail tilted. It was very cute! There is also a Mickey Mouse surfing on it. The "spray" is white and beautiful. Then we went in and saw the dream castle. The sequins on it made the whole castle very gorgeous. I imagined that I...

    I like the brightly lit Shanghai and the towering Huangshan, but I prefer prosperous and beautiful Hong Kong. As soon as I came to Hong Kong Disneyland, I saw many colorful flowers and plants forming a big Mickey head. Further inside, many amusement projects come into my eyes, including sightseeing trains, space tours, roller coasters, spinning hor...

    Today, my family went to Hong Kong for a trip. We got up early because the bus was leaving at 8 o'clock, so we had to get up early. Let's go. The bus is really on time. After half an hour, I saw the beautiful scenery in the car, including valleys, flowers, trees and a clear lake... After an hour, I was tired, so I slept for another hour. Oh, I'm fi...

    On this day, our family came to Hong Kong Ocean Park. The sun is bright and cloudless. In summer, the scorching sun was burning. When we came to the gate of Ocean Park, we saw the beautiful scenery in front of us! Ocean Park is divided into two amusement parks, one is seaside park, the other is Peak Park. Let's go to the seaside park first. We got ...

    On Saturday, my parents and I traveled to Hong Kong. At 8 o'clock that morning, we took a taxi to Dongguan terminus, then took the "first opening to traffic" to Shenzhen Luohu, and then took the train to Hong Kong. The whole journey takes only a little more than two hours to Hong Kong, a shopping paradise. As soon as we arrived in Mongkok, Hong Kon...

    • 登太平山頂鳥瞰維多利亞港。想擁有一個神清氣爽的早晨?那麼不妨早起,健行上太平山頂吧!晨運徑是登山頂的理想路徑,到達山頂廣場享用美食,欣賞維多利亞港兩岸景色,風光優美像明信片一般,令人心曠神怡。
    • 打卡文青聚腳點。位於中環的 大館 前往 {{title}} {{taRatingReviewTotal}} {{taRatingReviewText}} 地址 {{address}} 網址 {{website}} 更多資訊 ,前身是中區警署,現已變身成為集歷史建築、表演、展覽於一身的藝文集中地。
    • 參觀天壇大佛。天壇大佛 前往 {{title}} {{taRatingReviewTotal}} {{taRatingReviewText}} 地址 {{address}} 網址 {{website}} 更多資訊 聳立在山上,走上268級樓梯,才能到達這座34公尺高的戶外青銅坐佛像面前。
    • 沉醉不夜城。入夜後的香港愈夜愈熱鬧,要感受不夜城的無窮活力,你可以先到擁有4,500呎露台的 Popinjays 眺望中環夜景,再到得獎墨西哥酒吧 Coa 前往 {{title}} {{taRatingReviewTotal}} {{taRatingReviewText}} 地址 {{address}} 網址 {{website}} 更多資訊 享用特色雞尾酒,投入香港的夜生活。
  1. 2017年1月22日 · 呢個香港景點用英文介紹好? Wall Street English Hong Kong. 4.62K subscribers. Subscribed. 38. 6.8K views 7 years ago Learn English with Wall Street. 香港有咁多名勝景點,當然要介紹畀外國朋友知喇! 等Wall Street...

    • 1 分鐘
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    • Wall Street English Hong Kong
  2. 香港旅遊景點. 參考必看景點和活動推薦: 山頂纜車總 、 香港迪士尼樂園 、 城市遊覽 、 跳蚤市場和街頭市集. 探索熱門體驗. 根據評等和預訂次數,看看其他旅客喜歡從事哪些活動。 查看全部. 城市遊覽 (120) 半日遊 (134) 跳蚤市場和街頭市集 (42) 街頭美食遊覽團 (21) 一日遊 (17) 購物中心 (254) 停靠港遊覽 (56) 步行遊覽 (159) 主題公園 (8) 夜間遊覽 (9) 文化遊覽 (120) 景點和地標 (243) 航海出行 (3) 私人觀光遊覽 (167) 古蹟 (165) 歷史遊覽 (97) 私人和豪華 (57) 健行步道 (119) 美食遊覽 (11) 日間郵輪 (11) 藝術建築 (101) 烹飪課程 (13) 觀光巴士遊覽團 (98)

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  3. 2024年9月29日 · 為你總結最精彩的香港景點,精選最佳香港好去處、餐廳、酒吧、博物館等。 由戶外玩到室內、地道美食到國際佳餚,包羅萬有。 前往內容 前往頁尾

  4. 2024年10月7日 · 本地人私房香港景點好去處?這篇都會一次過為你解答。香港是一個充滿魅力的城市,無論是郊區景點,還是市區觀光都一應俱全。香港島、九龍、新界以至離島的各個特色景點甚多,以下我便為你介紹香港各區的名勝景點,一起暢遊香港吧!

  5. 其他人也問了

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  2. 提供酒店級會所設施及穿梭巴士服務,傢俬電器齊備,更設有備餐間。 租期靈活,毋須按金,即租即住,立即入住體驗星級酒店會所設施