雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 推廣期9月12日至9月30日內如有任何剩餘優惠限額,將會撥入推廣期10月1日至10月31日內。. 所有合資格簽賬 (以交易日計算,定義見條款15) 必須於推廣期內進行。. 推廣僅適用於商戶旗下之The Club購物及獎賞平台 (shop.theclub.com.hk) 及The Club手機應用程式 (統稱「The Club ...

  2. Citi Rewards萬事達信用卡. 流動付款 (Apple Pay、Google Pay及 Samsung Pay)賺5X積分# Mastercard感應式支付及payWave付款賺3X積分 # 以Pay With Points即時抵銷簽賬. 積分永久有效. 立即申請. CITI REWARDS 銀聯信用卡. 銀聯閃付QuickPass付款可享3X積分# 以Pay With Points抵消簽賬. 積分永久有效. 立即申請. Citi 八達通白金卡.

  3. Home. Credit Cards. Latest Credit Card Promotions. Unlock Exclusive The Club Shopping Reward Enjoy HK$350 Off Instantly. Shop Smart with Citi The Club Card and enjoy limited-time Cash Discounts on The Club! Then use your earned Clubpoints to slash your bill! Treat yourself with the trendy flagship phone and unique experiences!

  4. With Citibank Personal Online banking, enjoy a seamless and hassle-free digital banking experience right at your fingertips. Manage your finances whenever and wherever you are.

  5. 啟動咗張卡之後,就可以加入去手機電子錢包,店舖購物一拍即付. (虛擬扣賬卡將於日後開放本功能) 奬賞即時落袋. 您張信用卡/扣賬卡應有嘅獎賞或回贈,您都即簽即享. * 憑虛擬卡,您都可以設立恒常付款指示;當您收到實體信用卡或扣賬卡後,請留意及於商 ...

  6. 主頁. 輕鬆提升信貸限額 畀您有更充裕資金,生活更自主! 提升客戶信貸限額申請 查詢申請狀況. 要應付大額消費或突如其來嘅資金週轉,先驚覺信用卡信貸限額唔夠?. 立即透過Citi Mobile ® App * 或經以上連結輕鬆一按,瞬間提升您嘅Citi信用卡信貸限額,有更充 ...

  7. 1. Login to the Citi Mobile® App and select “Citi PayAll” 2. Make a new payment by choosing the purpose of payment for the relevant merchant list or choose from the list of saved merchant payees directly. 3. Select your payment frequency.