富衛1881公館是由前香港水警總部改建而成的文化地標,由一間精品酒店及不同概念的餐飲體驗區組成。 這歷史悠久的景點秉承富衛的品牌承諾—「盡展生活熱誠」,為公眾呈獻與別不同的嶄新體驗。
Located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, this iconic building, formerly the Marine Police Headquarters, offers skyline views above, exquisite gardens below, and a piece of history everywhere you look.
擁有包括富衛1881公館前園及城市美景的富麗套房豪華典雅,面積 887平方呎。 為配合富衛1881公館的傳奇風格及優質服務,房間室內設計採用了拋光木鑲嵌裝飾,以及富有情調的照明,配備造工細緻的床單、舒適的座椅,為賓客的旅居安樂窩營造出寧靜而優雅的 ...
香港譽為飲食天堂,富衛1881公館的餐廳和酒吧各具情調和特色,烹調別具匠心,定能滿足一眾食客口慾,令人欲罷不能。 各式各樣的佳餚美饌,值得細味品嚐。
Located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, this iconic building, formerly the Marine Police Headquarters, offers skyline views above, exquisite gardens below, and a piece of history everywhere you look.
「1881」現址由1880年代開始直至1996年,除二次世界大戰時期外,一直為香港水警總部。 項目主要由五幢建築組成,包括前水警總部主樓、前馬廐、前時間球塔、舊九龍消防局及舊九龍消防局宿舍。
富衛1881公館坐擁維多利亞港的醉人景緻,在古蹟建築內更有典雅的花園、五個獨特餐飲概念的餐廳,以及雅緻的酒店套房,是舉辦婚禮慶典的理想地。 詳情
Located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, this iconic building, formerly the Marine Police Headquarters, offers skyline views above, exquisite gardens below, and a piece of history everywhere you look.
Located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, this iconic building, formerly the Marine Police Headquarters, offers skyline views above, exquisite gardens below, and a piece of history everywhere you look.