雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    IPA [ˈælfəbet]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 字母表
  2. The age at which the law considers a person old enough to decide to have sex with another person. "Depending on what state or territory you're in, you can only give consent to engage in certain sexual acts once you've reached a certain age. Until you've reached that age - ' the age of consent ' - the law says you cannot give your permission to ...

  3. 什么是图灵完备. 图灵完备性(Turing Completeness)是针对一套数据操作规则而言的概念。. 数据操作规则可以是一门编程语言,也可以是计算机里具体实现了的指令集。. 当这套规则可以实现图灵机模型里的全部功能时,就称它具有图灵完备性。. 直白一点说,图灵 ...

  4. 第二家是 波士顿咨询(BCG),他们在浦东国金中心有一个非常fancy的办公室,无敌的视野是大部分在浦西的咨询公司比不了的。. 从刚入职的咨询顾问到资深的经理再到合伙人,波士顿咨询能给出的薪水和福利都能够超越大部分咨询公司(包括麦肯锡)。. 我们 ...

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