雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 主要學習漢語拼音及普通話的發音規則和方法;掌握普通話聽、說、讀的基本功;瞭解廣東話與普通話在詞匯和語法方面的差异;學會用普通話进行日常生活簡單會話。. 「普通話基礎證書」和「普通話證書 (中級)」是循序漸進的系列課程,系統地介紹普通話在 ...

    • HKU Space International College
    • Career Prospects
    • Special Entrance Requirements

    Graduates are also eligible to apply for admission to the following full-time top-up degree programmes offered locally by HKU SPACE International Collegein collaboration with the following universities: University of the Arts London Edinburgh Napier University University of the West of England, Bristol

    Graduates of the programme can seek employment in various fields that require good English proficiency and communication skills, such as the media, journalism, publishing, marketing and advertising. They can also build careers in teaching or follow paths into law, business, and management. Graduates are also capable of progressing to postgraduate s...

    In addition to the minimum entrance requirements, applicants are also required to obtain Level 3 or above in HKDSE English Language, or equivalent. *The above list is not exhaustive and only shows some of the examples.

  2. 課程簡介. 本課程爲有興趣用廣東話進行日常生活交流的人士而設。. 完成課程後應能: 用廣東話流暢地進行日常生活內容的交流; 概括瞭解香港與內地人思維習慣和生活方式的差異; 掌握如何從心理上適應香港社會文化和克服廣東話障礙的基本方法。. 招生 ...

  3. 大部份公開招生的課程(以先到先得形式報名的課程)及個別學歷頒授課程提供網上報名/註冊服務,申請人可在網上使用「繳費靈」(不適用於手機)、VISA或Mastercard繳付有關課程的報名費或學費。. 除上述支付方式之外,如就讀學歷頒授課程設有網上服務 ...

  4. It is a 2-year part-time master’s degree programme to offer Hong Kong students the opportunity to obtain a master’s degree award from King’s College London (King’s), which was ranked 1st in the UK and 2nd in the world in the subject of Nursing (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024).

  5. 入學申請. 申請人一般須年滿18歲(附屬學院課程申請人除外),並提供身分證(適用於本地申請人)或護照資料(適用於非本地申請人)以作入學甄選及學員記錄之用。. 學歷頒授課程的申請人,如親身報名,將被要求出示身分證/護照以核實身分;如以郵遞方式 ...

  6. 課程簡介. 爲具有一定普通話水平,已從事普通話教學工作或準備從事普通話教學工作的人士而設。. 形成正確的普通話教學理念;瞭解語言學及教育學基礎知識;掌握普通話常用的教學方法和步驟;能獨立管控和有效實施普通話的課堂教學。. 課程概要. 本課程 ...