雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 營業顧問. 僱傭行業前景無可限量,安樂窩決定以新派創新形象投入市場。. 我們需要一群生命力強,勇於嘗試的年輕人加入。. 作為我們的一滴血,你需要和你的未來夥伴攜手合作,以服務大眾為驅動,從而建立長遠客戶關係,讓我們一起創造窩心的公司文化 ...

  2. Apply Now. Our people are our largest assets. This is why we provide members of our team with ample opportunity to grow and progress. Passionate and experienced employees will be promoted to management positions as a reward for their effort and commitment.

  3. Looking for a reliable domestic helper to support your household? Get in touch with our specialized employment agency to find the perfect match for your home.

  4. At least HK$360,000 worth of fixed deposits in bank account; or. A monthly income of HK$15,000 or more. (Per helper employment) Copy of employer’s HKID. List of family members and helpers. Address proof in the last 3 months. (Including rates, utility bills, telephone bills, Internet bills etc.)

  5. www.mysweethome.hk › upload-files › license-philO cn 00 q o o o o o o o

    Created Date 8/3/2021 4:40:05 PM

  1. St. James' Park, Newcastle upon Tyne 相關

  2. 上個月有 超過 100 萬 名用戶曾瀏覽 getyourguide.com

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