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2018年3月20日 · He walked the 30 yards or so to retrieve the plane, stomped all the way back, and set the plane down. I noticed that it had a tiny scuff, but nothing worse than that. Then he set it down and carefully stomped on the fuselage between the wing and engine, between the wing and tail, and once on each wing panel.
2008年5月10日 · RE: Super Tigre .51 Should I buy it? You should only buy it if you cant afford the OS 55AX, an absolutely awesome engine. If you want a .46 then like xjet said Thunder Tiger's seem to be very good, but I still like my AX better then my TT40.
2011年12月3日 · The numbers I get with my Super Tiger .90 converted to gasoline indicate it is quite close in horsepower to the DLE and the RCGF 20cc engines, which surprised me. Of course the 20cc engines will undoubtedly "out pull" the .90 due to their greater torque and ability to swing a bigger prop.
2002年6月12日 · Size / weight and power of the ST G 4500 should be a good match. Also since you won't be flying around at full throttle you can expect fuel consumption to be around 1.5 oz per minute and that will give you about 14 min with the supplied tank. It should fit almost entirly in the cowl and balance with no problem.
2018年11月4日 · Letztendlich aber fiel meine Wahl auf den WIK Super Tiger (ST), dessen Plan + Baubeschreibung mit Stückliste mir ebenfalls vorliegen. Den Plan habe ich zusätzlich ausdrucken lassen. Die Spannweite ist mit knapp 1,5m Spannweite handlich und die Optik des Modells finde ich ebenfalls ansprechend. Befeuert werden soll das Modell elektrisch mit ...
2007年8月23日 · 24. August 2007. #8. Hallo zusammen, ich kann das bisher Gesagte nur bestätigen. Der Super Tiger ist wirklich ein toll fliegender Doppeldecker mit einem weiten Geschwindigkeitsbereich. Bei extron - Modellbau gibts den unter dem (den Älteren sicher noch bekannten) Namen "Olympic II". Gruß, curare60.
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2009年3月14日 · Center, unmarked box with conventional (not venturi) silencer, hexagonal black screws in the unopened bag. Right, S29 venturi silencer with slotted black screws. PIC 2 : right a G60 with front rotor, baffled and ringed piston, exhaust with slotted screws. Left the G60 R, the piston is flat and not ringed as suspected Downunder.
2017年4月16日 · OS makes a more reliable sport engine at a significantly higher price. Various Chinese companies make a cheaper engine. For a long time, Thunder Tiger was just about even with ST for price and made an easier engine to tune that still made good power. Most ST engines were ringed which took longer to break in.
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2018年4月12日 · G20 - 23 32.5 x 28 23.23cc 28.4 oz. S2000/25 32.5 x 30 24.89cc 39.1 oz. This one has the mounting lugs ground off. thought it was a 20cc, but the bore measured. 32.5mm. S2000/25 32.5 x 30 24.89cc 40.9 oz. S3000 35 x 31 29.82cc 38.8 oz. G3250 36 x 32 32.6cc No weight yet, but I found a reference showing 43 oz.
06-20-2006 07:33 PM. Super Tiger G-45 vs OS 46-LA. I'm building "The Hots" for a near future fun fly event and I'm not decided on with of these engines to pick, the G-45 has bearing and a little more power, but a little heavier than the OS with bushed bearing and less power. I'm thinking about getting the G-45.