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      • Frequently asked question about our investor information and our contact details can be found here. Here you can find information for Panasonic's investors. This includes our management policies, financial information, stock information, and IR materials.
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  2. Here you can find information for Panasonic's investors. This includes our management policies, financial information, stock information, and IR materials.

    • Panasonic GREEN IMPACT

      Panasonic Group's Sustainability: Second Briefing ...

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      An introduction to the Panasonic Group's logo, ...

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      Panasonic for each and every one of your stories. Here ...

    • Sustainability

      We are committed to promoting sustainability management ...

    • About Panasonic Group

      Here you can find messages from the Panasonic ...

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      Our mission is to create the Panasonic Group business ...

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      We Panasonic Group's design departments in each of ...

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      Panasonic Announces Agreement with the U.S. Department ...

  3. This section provides an at-a-glance summary of our sales, profits and other financial results, shareholder-related information, and information on our main products.

  4. Information contained in this article is at time of release. Please note that it may be outdated due to any reason such as end of life and sale, change of specification, price, organization and contact address. The materials regarding IR information are listed on this page.

  5. 2022年9月22日 · Osaka, Japan – On September 20, 2022, Panasonic Holding Corporation (the “Company”) published its “Annual Report 2022”, which is now available for viewing on its IR website: https://holdings.panasonic/global/corporate/investors/library/annual-report.html.

    • Editorial Policy
    • Disclaimer Regarding Forward-looking Statements
    • Management Philosophy
    • Management Philosophy
    • The Basic Business Philosophy of the Panasonic Group
    • Life with electricity begins
    • Home appliances change the lifestyles of people
    • Returning to our founding mission, we strive to realize “an ideal society with afluence both in matter and mind”
    • Lifestyle
    • Automotive
    • Connect
    • Industry
    • Toward “an ideal society with affluence both in matter and mind”
    • Looking back on fiscal 2022 and challenges to take up
    • Future direction for the Panasonic Group
    • Message from the Group CEO
    • Supply chain software area
    • Investments in technology pillars
    • Strengthen operational capability in overall supply chain 14
    • Column 2 Active communication with employees
    • Value Creation Process
    • Realization of a recycling-oriented society
    • 15 Enhancing
    • 5. Response to new materials/ technologies
    • Seven
    • Strategic investment
    • Panasonic
    • 3. Response to changes in needs
    • Holdings (PHD)
    • Aiming to Create a “Sustainable Mobility Society”
    • Contributing to Solving Management Issues of B2B Customers through Core and Growth Businesses
    • Energy (Panasonic Energy Co., Ltd.)
    • “Strategy” and “operational capability” are indispensable to each other for enhancing competitiveness
    • Establishing kaizen know-how as a mindset
    • Case Examples of Operational Frontlines Innovation Initiatives
    • Assembly process is captured with omnidirectional cameras and analyzed with AI to identify rooms for improvements
    • Optimize the mounting process with digital data and AI analysis of people, goods, and equipment
    • Kusatsu Factory, Electric Works Company, Panasonic Corporation
    • Streamline supply chain
    • Message from the Group CFO
    • Hirokazu Umeda
    • – What basic approach to financial management does 23 the Company employ in order to advance business operations?
    • FY2020 FY2021
    • Capital allocation (FY2023–FY2025)
    • Operating CF 2.0 trillion yen
    • Sale of assets, etc.
    • Tatsuo Ogawa
    • Vision of the technology sector
    • Technology dam Resources
    • Efforts to realize the vision
    • Creation of new business opportunities Enhancing competitiveness
    • Human and social issues:
    • Realization of well-being in “lifestyle” & “workstyle”
    • 110 Mt 100 Mt 100 Mt
    • Increase investment in R&D toward FY2025 at the Technology Sector of Panasonic Holdings Corporation*
    • FY2025
    • Technology index overview Example of open innovation
    • Column 2 Announcement of Panasonic Group’s AI Ethics Principles
    • Message from the Group CIO
    • IT transformation
    • Operating model transformation
    • Culture transformation
    • Operating model transformation
    • Message from the Group CHRO
    • Shigeki Mishima
    • Toward the Implementation of Management that Enables Each Employee
    • An Ideal Society with Afluence Both in Matter and Mind
    • Changes in the business environment and the three pillars that support “employees’ well-being”
    • Building the systems and frameworks best suited for the needs of respective industry
    • Development of management executives
    • Basic process for the development of management executives
    • Message from the Chairperson of the Board
    • What we aim as a Board of Directors
    • Expectations for the execution function of the business
    • Looking to the futures
    • – What are your thoughts on what the Board of Directors should do to enhance corporate value?
    • – What do you think is important in order to achieve higher corporate value in the future?
    • – What are your aspirations as chairperson of the Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee?
    • Kazuhiko Toyama (Appointed in June 2016)
    • Shinobu Matsui (Appointed in June 2021)
    • Structure and Initiatives
    • Outline of structure (As of June 23, 2022)
    • The Board of Directors
    • General Meeting of Shareholders
    • Group Management Meeting/PHD Strategy Meeting
    • departments audit
    • Auditors
    • Main topics discussed by the Board of Directors in fiscal year ended March 2022 (fiscal 2022)
    • Audit & Supervisory Board Members (A&SB Members) and Audit & Supervisory Board (A&SB)
    • Independence standards for independent directors / Audit & Supervisory Board members (A&SB members)
    • Provision of information and assistance to outside directors
    • Basic compensation
    • Restricted stock compensation system
    • Method for determining amounts of compensation
    • Directors who received compensation over 100 million yen
    • Information disclosure approach and system
    • Constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors
    • Akihiro Eto
    • Akihiko Nakamura

    The Company positions its Annual Report as an integrated report incorporating management strategies for medium- to long-term growth, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) structures and initiatives, our operating results and financial position for the fiscal year under review, and other information. It is published for the purpose of providing...

    This Annual Report includes forward-looking statements about Panasonic Holdings Corporation (Panasonic HD) and its Group companies (the Panasonic Group). To the extent that statements in this Annual Report do not relate to historical or current facts, they constitute forward-looking state-ments. These forward-looking statements are based on the cur...

    The founder Konosuke Matsushita always believed that humanity would achieve true happiness only through both material and spiritual affluence. And based on this thought, he aimed to achieve “an ideal society with affluence both in matter and mind.” The “Basic Management Objective” is a concise expression of this mission, and as the heart of the Pan...

    Recognizing our responsibilities as industrialists, we will devote ourselves to the progress and development of society and the well-being of people through our business activities, thereby enhancing the quality of life throughout the world. Panasonic Group Code of Ethics & Compliance https://holdings.panasonic/global/corporate/about/code-of-conduc...

    The following extracts from the management philosophy embodied by our founder Konosuke Matsushita, centered on the Basic Management Objective, Company Creed, and Seven Principles, summarize the mindset which all Panasonic Group employees should keep in mind when practicing work and management.

    Expanding our business from wiring devices to a wide range of electrical product lines

    Leading the rapid spread of elec-tronics to households in Japan and around the world

    At Panasonic, we work each day to enrich people’s lives and help move society forward. And we are as committed as ever to pursuing new ways to fulfill this mission.

    Lighting Wiring devices Showcase washing machine In this segment we provide products and services globally for a variety of settings from people’s homes to retail stores, ofices, and public spaces, including home appliances, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), lighting, electrical equipment, and commercial equipment such as refrigera...

    Cockpit system View of head-up display (Photo courtesy of Toyota Motor Corporation) Vehicle camera module In this segment we will continue to provide new value to vehicles and mobility experience under the slogan “Heartmotive,” a coined word that combines “human emotion (heart)” and “automotive.” This slogan expresses our wish to continue creating...

    Electronic component mounting machine (NPM-DX) PT-RQ35K series high-performance high-brightness projector rugged tablet PC In this segment we are contributing to the management reforms of B2B customers by staying close to and bringing innovation to their diverse gemba (operational frontlines). For example, customer supply chains (the gemba for manu...

    Multi-layer circuit board materials Industrial motors Relay Capacitors In this segment we provide electronic and industrial devices for a wide range of applications, including industry, information and communica-tion, automotive, and more. By developing products with outstanding features backed by our unique material and process technologies, we co...

    Under the new Group structure launched in April 2022, we have started our new medium- to long-term strategy. With this new strategy, we aim to contribute to solving global environmental issues and to support the health and well-being of people around the world, both in mind and body, toward achieving “an ideal society with affluence both in matter ...

    employee can take up challenges. To further generate opportu-nities in major roles and in taking up challenges, we will lever-age the Group’s wide-ranging capabilities and continue the active exchange of human resources beyond operating companies. The fourth role is to make “selection & concentration” deci-sions in cases where the operating compani...

    Our founder proclaimed the mission of achieving “an ideal society with affluence both in matter and mind.” Toward this Group’s mission, today we must contribute to solving global environmental issues and support the health and well-being of people around the world, both in mind and body, in their “life-

    style” and “workstyle.” By becoming unrivaled in accomplishing valued work, we can make great contributions. Accordingly, we will be able to return the generated profit to society, starting with shareholders, and adequately reward our employees. Moreover, we can make investments toward further contributions. We aim to implement such a cycle that le...

    Due to the declining working population, we are facing labor shortage issues at the gemba of manufacturing and logistics industries. Consequently, there are strong demands for higher efficiency and standardization. Therefore, solutions that autono-mously improve the overall supply chain are necessary. Even if solutions run autonomously, there is a ...

    Toward achieving “an ideal society with affluence both in matter and mind,” we will strengthen the Group-wide technology pillars that contribute to the environment and well-being in “lifestyle” and “workstyle.” The first pillar is hydrogen energy, with the development of high-efficiency fuel cells already underway. We will apply this to the next-ge...

    Top of figure In addition to improving productivity and shortening lead times by thoroughly eliminating wastefulness at production sites, the most important factor in generating cash is to continue to deliver products to customers in the right quantities at the right time, with no shortages or excess inventory. To this end, we will work with suppli...

    At the headquarters of Panasonic Holdings Corporation, there are no more offices separately set up for the Group CEO and senior management. Group CEO Kusumi and other senior managers sit at nearby desks to facilitate daily interactions with employees. They are encouraged to approach Kusumi at any time and say what needs to be said. Kusumi also uses...

    In order to achieve “an ideal society with affluence both in matter and mind,” Panasonic will make the most of the management resources entrusted to us by society and work on enhancing competitiveness in terms of both strategy and operational capability under the Basic Business Philosophy of the Panasonic Group. We will then return the profits rece...

    Recycling-oriented manufacturing and product longevity Medium-term Cumulative Contribution Profit Management ROE Indicators: KGI Cumulative

    Corporate activities based on our Basic Business Philosophy

    Long-term perspective Structural advantage Strategy Business model

    Panasonic Entertainment Automotive Corporation & Systems (Lifestyle) Communication

    (investment for growth areas, investment in technology pillars)

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  6. 5 天前 · Panasonic Holdings Corporation: Company profile, business summary, shareholders, managers, financial ratings, industry, sector and market information | Japan Exchange: 6752 | Japan Exchange

  7. This section provides an at-a-glance summary of our sales, profits and other financial results, shareholder-related information, and information on our main products.