2022年1月17日 · 空氣淨化香薰噴霧配方 (燒肉後油煙味) Aroma air purifier. 大家都越嚟越喜歡在家食韓燒,食個陣係好暢快,但食完問題就嚟喇! 成屋都係 油煙燒肉嘅味道,久久不散,開晒全屋抽氣扇都係搞唔掂,哩個時候可以拎支〝DIY 室內空氣淨化噴霧〞出嚟噴吓客廳同房嘅空間,當然使用時一定要遠離火種! 燒肉嘅味道嘅氣味會被精油嘅氣味中和,然後慢慢消失。 室內空氣淨化噴霧配方 (燒肉後專用) : 材料: 150ml 噴霧瓶一個. 75ml 蒸餾水. 25ml 96%乙醇. 25 滴檸檬精油. 15 滴尤加利精油. 做法: 將酒精混合2款精油搖勻加入噴霧瓶,加入蒸餾水搖勻即成。 用法: 每次用前要先搖勻,使用時請遠離火種! **以上資訊祗供參考,6歲以下兒童及個別病患者慎用或請先向醫生查詢。
meet Moodo. It’s not only the smartest, connected aroma diffuser. It is the only diffuser that allows you to shape and customize scents according to your mood.
2024年6月11日 · 根據消委會報告,今次評分主要測試市面上 10 款空清機的空氣淨化、寧靜表現、使用便利、安全性等各方面表現。 測試型號方面,今次官方抽取的樣本型號價位由 $1798 至 $7880,人氣推薦品牌 LG、小米、Sharp、Dyson 空清機都包含在内,以下爲大家統整有關評分結果: 型號. 分數. LG AS60GHWG0. 4.5. Xiaomi 空氣淨化機 4 Pro. 4.5. Dyson Purifier Big + Quiet Formaldehyde BP03 . 4. SHARP KI-N50A-W. 4. Panasonic F-PXV35H.
Ceramic . Rubber Wood Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser 橡膠木香薰放濕機. $590.00 加入購物車. Aroma Diffuser with LED.
2024年4月10日 · EFFICIENT PURIFICATION: With brushless motor and 360-degree air intake design, Aroma Room air purifier can purify air twice an hour in a 157 ft² (15 m²) room, covering every corner of the room for your health
- (205)
- White
- Aroma Room
- 314 Square Feet
IBUKI is Miko's best-selling true HEPA air purifier with a three-layer filtration and 360-degree suction design. IBUKI covers up to 400 sqft and completely refreshes the air up to 5x per hour, making it the best air purifier for bedrooms, studios, and one-bedroom apartments.
Efficient Purification: With brushless motor and 360-degree air intake design, Aroma Room air purifier can purify air twice an hour in a 157 ft² (15 m²) room, covering every corner of the room for your health. Powerful Filtration: True HEPA 13 air purifier adopts a 3