雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. AVG Internet Security comes with webcam and ransomware protection to secure your personal files — and personal life — from spying, thieving hackers. Shop and bank online freely and securely We block spam, scams, and fake copycat sites so you never have to worry about accidentally giving your passwords or financial data to cybercriminals.

  2. AVG has been protecting users for more than 30 years and offers a free download of antivirus software for PC, Mac, Android, and iPhone/iPad. AVG also offers free protection against spyware as well as free protection against Trojan horse malware.

  3. 2020年4月15日 · 於Windows 系統下測試的樣本,以「Avira」Antivirus Pro及Free Security、「ESET」Internet Security表現較佳,不論在線或離線都獲5或4.5高評分;「Trend Micro」PC-cillin Maximum Security、「Panda」Dome Advanced、「Sophos」HitmanPro.Alert及

  4. AVG AntiVirus Free is a lightweight antivirus tool thats been specially designed to protect your PC without slowing it down. You’ll get industry-leading protection against malware, Wi-Fi threats, phishing attacks, and more, with no impact on speed or performance.

  5. AVG AntiVirus FREE 2024 Android 版提供有效的病毒和惡意軟體防護、應用程式鎖定工具、Wi-Fi 掃描工具與相片保存庫,防止您的隱私和線上身分受到威脅侵擾。

  6. 2023年7月23日 · AVG Antivirus可偵測病毒蠕蟲特洛伊木馬…等惡意程式。 AVG Email Scanner: 可自動檢測Email收發軟體(如Outlook、The Bat!…等)接收或傳送出去的郵件,避免遭受病毒郵件的攻擊。

  7. Protect every part of your online life. AVG Internet Security blocks viruses and malware, keeps your emails secure, protects your personal files, passwords, and webcam from hackers, and lets you shop and bank online without worry.

  8. 使用功能齊全的 AVG Android 保護產品來即時保護您的 智慧型手機或平板電腦,抵禦病毒、勒索軟體、間諜軟體、網路釣魚企圖和其他惡意軟體的侵害。 掃描應用程式和檔案,找出惡意病毒、惡意軟體和間諜軟體

  9. 這是一款相當專業的商用防毒軟件。 專用伺服器快速更新,在 Anti-Virus Free Edition 基礎上增加的功能。 功能介紹: 病毒防護(Anti-Virus)– 病毒、蠕蟲、木馬的防禦。 間諜軟件防護(Anti-Spyware)– 間諜程式、廣告軟件、身份盜用(Identity Theft)的防禦。 垃圾信防堵(Anti-Spam)– 可以過濾垃圾信件、防止網絡詐騙(網絡釣魚)。 網頁防護&連結掃瞄(Web Shield & LinkScanner)– 讓用戶遠離惡意網站的危害。 惡意軟件防護(Anti-Rootkit)– 威脅性惡意軟件(Rootkit)的防禦。 AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall [ 編輯]

  10. Get multi-device antivirus protection and much more. Keep your sensitive data safer on public Wi-Fi and maintain greater online privacy anywhere with our military-grade encryption VPN. Plus, boost the performance of your devices. Excellent. 18,173 reviews on.

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