雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.consumer.org.hk › enConsumer Council

    New features include a handy collection of free articles in “Shopping Guide”, “Price Comparison Tools” for finding out the lowest supermarket product prices and auto-fuel prices, as well as “Product Picker” for CHOICE subscribers to compare products!

  2. 2024.03.07. 消費全攻略. 《幼兒飲食進化史 嬰兒奶粉、BB米糊點揀好? 嬰兒奶粉 母乳餵哺一向是嬰兒的最佳食物。 然而,如情況不許可,而需以嬰兒奶粉代替,家長可按市場供應的穩定性、個人意願或經濟條件來選擇... 2024.05.16. 新聞稿. 真人實試驅蚊劑 DEET最有效惟兒童慎用 天然成分效能參差 1樣本反吸蚊. 雨季炎夏已到,蚊子開始繁殖活躍,在郊遊和戶外活動時,當然要做足防蚊措施。 消費者委員會以真人實試25款驅蚊劑樣本,發現近9成含避蚊胺(DEET)或派卡瑞丁(picaridin)的樣本在塗搽4個小時後仍能提供80%或以上的保護,其中1款含DEET的樣本更是全部樣本... 2024.05.16. 新聞稿.

  3. As a statutory body for consumer protection in Hong Kong, the Consumer Council has staunchly advocated and championed consumer rights since its establishment in 1974.

  4. 消費者委員會作為本港推動消費者權益的法定機構,自1974年成立以來,堅定地倡議和擁護消費者權益。 近半個世紀以來,市民日常生活,無論是以往的柴、米、油、鹽等生活必需品,以至街市行情,或是現在的5G上網、智能家電、網購及船運等,無不與消費息息相關;在現今不斷演變的市場環境下,消委會的角色更形重要。 了解更多. 核心價值. 以保障消費者權益為工作目標,但亦同時關注可持續消費的概念. 以公平和公正的態度處理事務. 運作保持高透明度. 保持獨立意見. 可讓公眾問責. 以主動、積極和堅毅的精神執行職能. 保護個人資料私隱. 抱負及使命. 本會致力成為消費者信賴的聲音,為消費者在公平公正的市場中,建立安全及可持續的消費環境。 使命. 本會肩負維護消費者福祉、加強消費者自我保護能力的責任。

  5. The Council handles complaints by means of conciliation, providing a platform for the consumer and the trader to resolve disputes by mutually acceptable agreements. The Council is not a law enforcement agency and does not possess the power of investigation or adjudication.

  6. General Enquiries. For consumer complaints or enquiries, please use electronic complaint form or electronic enquiry form.

  7. The events aim to enhance the public’s understanding of consumer rights. The Council owes special thanks to the staunch support of 23 supporting organisations, who joined hands with the Council to promote consumer rights through action.

  8. Since its establishment in 1974, the Consumer Council has continuously evolved with the times and has been adapting to societal changes in the consumption environment and behaviour.

  9. Please make appointment for enquiries and complaints at our Consumer Council Services Centres through the following link: Consumer Council - Booking System Office hours

  10. 1匹變頻式窗口冷氣機 鬥凍、鬥靜、鬥慳電! 炎炎夏日,不想汗流浹背,在家少不免要「開冷氣」。 本會測試了14款俗稱「1匹」的淨冷型窗口式冷氣機,全屬變頻式型號。 結果發現樣本間的... 免費文章. 2024.05. 571期. 免費. 實試垃圾電話攔截程式 若要使用要當心! 2024.05. 571期. 免費. 家居清潔服務 質素要好好把關. 2024.05. 571期. 免費. 涉及售賣應用虛假商品說明的貨品 相關公司被罰款. 2024.05. 571期. 免費. 齊心「走塑」保健康助地球. 倡自攜餐具實踐可持續消費. 2024.04. 570期. 免費.

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