雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. We provide the latest TT and currency notes exchange rates, e.g. for CNY, USD, GBP, AUD, CAD and THB. Use our currency calculator converter for exchange rate conversion

  2. 恒生銀行提供最新外幣電匯及現鈔兌換價, 包括人民幣、美元﹑英鎊﹑澳元﹑加元﹑泰銖等外幣匯率價格,並有外幣兌換計算機助你輕鬆獲取匯率換算結果。.

  3. Check out the FX TT exchange rates table listing the latest TT exchange rates, as well as foreign currency charts showing the current trend of different currencies, e.g. Renminbi, Euro, Yen, etc.

  4. Explore Hang Seng's online one-stop foreign exchange services tailored to your FX needs, from exchanging foreign currencies anytime with ease to seizing the latest FX market trends.

  5. Foreign Exchange involves Exchange Rate Risk. Fluctuations in the exchange rate of a foreign currency may result in gains or losses in the event that the customer converts HKD to foreign currency or vice versa. RMB currency risk. Renminbi ("RMB") is subject to exchange rate risk.

  6. 透過電匯兌換價一覽表查閱最新電匯價,亦提供外幣匯率走勢圖助你了解外幣匯率走勢,涵蓋多款外幣包括人民幣﹑歐羅、日圓等。.

  7. www.hangseng.com › personal › ratesRates - Hang Seng Bank

    Find out the latest rates and prices on a variety of products offered through Hang Seng. From 20 Sep 2024, the Bank has adjusted HKD savings rate for account balance of HKD5,000 or above to 0.625% p.a.; USD savings rate for account balance of USD1,000 or above to 0.75% p.a., please refer to the notice for details.

  8. 風險披露. 外幣兌換風險. 外幣兌換涉及匯率風險。. 將港幣兌換外幣或外幣兌換港幣時,可能會因當時外幣匯率之波動而出現利潤或虧損。. 人民幣貨幣風險. 人民幣乃受制於匯率風險。. 客戶於兌換人民幣至其他貨幣 (包括港幣)時將可能受匯率波動而引致損失 ...

  9. From now to 31 December 2024, customer can enjoy the following interest rate offer 1 upon completing a single FX transaction 3 to exchange for any designated currency with at least HKD10,000 or its equivalent 4,5 at the same time

  10. Learn how to use Hang Seng FX Order Watch / Rate Alert to convert funds or receive alert at your target exchange rate.

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