雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. NEWS. Hasty Conclusion. Host: Venerable Miao Guang. Find out what happened in this podcast episode: https://bit.ly/2QzgUJN Once upon a time, there lived two government officials, Feng Dao (馮道) and He Ning (和凝) during the time of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

  2. 中華傳統宗教總會第三屆第七次理監事會議,10月26日在佛陀紀念館召開,會議內容有第四屆理監事選舉,頒發副總會長、榮譽理監事證書、團體會員證書,以及提案內容,包含理監事任期三年一任改為四年一任;「2024世界神明聯誼會」日程表討論。. 與會有 ...

  3. 佛光山暨各別分院的僧俗二眾,每日五時三十分聞板聲晨起上殿後,即開始一日的行持。. 本山弟子或誦經持咒,或禪堂打坐、佛堂念佛。. 早課、早齋後,學院同學進入教室上課;職事則於個人的靜室修持、出坡作務,然後服勤公務。. 無論是殿堂知客、寺務 ...

  4. Venerable Master Hsing Yun founded Fo Guang Shan in 1967. Since then it has evolved from a mountaintop bamboo forest to the largest Buddhist monastery in Taiwan.

  5. Fo Guang Shan is a Five-Platformed Mountain; Fo Guang Shan is also an orchid’s petals. Fo Guang Shan is even more like a mountain of orchid petals, Look! The first petal on the Eastern Hill is filled with the bhiksus’ voices.

  6. The objectives of Fo Guang Shan are to promote the principles of Humanistic Buddhism and to foster peace and harmony among all peoples of the world. The founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, has guided this effort by providing educational opportunities, sponsoring cultural events, engaging in community service, and by extensively writing and ...

  7. 出版作品:香海文化《吃齋唸佛的老奶奶》 黃春明 著. 〈吃齋唸佛的老奶奶〉是黃春明在2000年時發表的詩文。. 文中反覆出現的重複詞句,音律活潑,琅琅上口,讀... 詳細資料. 介紹高雄縣大樹鄉佛光山寺相關資訊.

  8. Fo Guang Shan, Dashu, Kaohsiung 84049, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel:886+7+656-1921 BLP BLIA University of the West Nan Tien Institute Budhi Learning Institute Academy of Performing Arts Nanhua University Fo Guang University Humanistic Academy of Life And ...

  9. Pilgrims Lodge. The Pilgrims Lodge is Fo Guang shan’s guest accommodation, which was completed and open for use on March 16th, 1974. Its external design is a blend of Chinese and Indian styles, and the interior is replete with modern facilties to give people convenience and joy. It caters for the dining and accommodation needs of devotees.

  10. 佛光全球新聞Fo Guang Shan. 首頁 > 佛光新聞 > 佛光全球新聞. 新南國小校園生命教育講座 從霸凌看校園安全. 觀音菩薩的啟示 學者倫敦佛光山開講. 鳳山青年書院滿室芬芳 青年在佛法中建構自我. 大明社區大學公民素養周 善始善終談繼承. 澳門一日禪 大眾體會 ...

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