Incorporated in Hong Kong in 1918, The Bank of East Asia, Limited ("BEA") is dedicated to providing comprehensive corporate banking, personal banking, wealth management, and investment services to its customers in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and other major markets around the world.
熱門功能﹕. 查閱戶口結餘. 繳交賬單及捐款. 透過「轉數快」即時轉賬. 查閱電子月結單/電子通知書. 設定海外自動櫃員機提款限額. 自動轉賬設定. 查閱及管理信用卡. 信用卡獎分換領.
信德中心分行. 地址. 上環干諾道中200號信德中心2樓296A-296B號舖. 營業時間. 星期一至五:上午9時至下午5時, 星期六:上午9時至下午1時. 22.287728. 114.151648.
如有任何垂詢,歡迎你填妥本 查詢表格,或致電以下客戶服務熱線與我們聯絡:. 如欲舉報任何詐騙行為或可疑交易,請立即致電本行24小時客戶服務熱線(852)2211 1333 或親臨任何一間分行與我們聯絡。. 如可疑交易與自動櫃員機或東亞網上銀行(包括東亞手機 ...
You could start with a blank form or retrieve your latest form record. START. RETRIEVE. You can access the draft or previously submitted record, or download the PDF of a submitted record. The Submitted recording is provided only as a template to help you in preparing a new application.
無須繳交額外費用便可享受電子. 認購新股服務,申請手續快捷,. 助你盡握每個投資機遇. 即時股票報價. 每月基本1800次免費報價*. 串流報價. 每月累積港幣200,000元或以上買賣交易,. 可獲豁免該月月費*. 香港上市股票.
Job Opportunities. The Bank of East Asia, Limited offers customers a comprehensive range of corporate and commercial banking, personal banking, wealth management, and investment services through an extensive network of around 170 outlets covering Hong Kong and the rest of Greater China, Southeast Asia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
-2-備註: 深度為22”(吋)。 上述各種保管箱之尺寸只供參考。 本文件所載之保管箱資料於2024 年7 月29 日為最新資料。 如有垂詢,請致電本行客戶服務熱線:2211 1333 或親臨上述分行。 地區 ( 高度x 闊度 吋) 分行 10") 3" x 5" 5" x 5" 3" x 10" 5" x 10" 其他 (例如10" x ...
Open a BEA Online account: You can open a BEA Online (MPF/ORSO) account by simply calling the BEA (MPF) Hotline on 2211 1777 (Operated by Bank of East Asia (Trustees) Limited). You can also complete and return us the BEA Online (MPF/ORSO) Account Application Form (TR223) for account opening.