雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The perfect Hong Kong harbour view, delicious local and international cuisine, cocktails on the club floor, the ultimate rooms for comfort and style, heartfelt service, a stylish pool and spa floor, thoughtful and sustainable details, all right in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui. Previous.

  2. 唯港薈 Hotel ICON 是香港的時尚海景酒店,位於九龍尖沙咀的中心地帶,附近景點包括西九文化區和紅磡體育館,交通便利,可輕鬆抵達香港會議展覽中心,住客更能在酒店盡情欣賞優美的維多利亞港景色。.

  3. THE MARKET. 除了重視食材質素,The Market在氣氛營造方面亦不遺餘力,餐廳內設多個開放式廚房,展示精湛廚藝;落地大玻璃的設計採光十足,不論於室內或戶外用餐,您都可在寬廣視野下開懷大嚼。. 此外,The Market更設有能容納高達15人的私人貴賓房,讓您於佳節 ...

  4. Hotel ICON 酒店優惠. 唯港薈定期推出不同的 香港酒店優惠 回饋客人,優惠類型涵蓋住房、餐飲及宴會三大範疇,數量更高達20多種。. 住房優惠方面,不論是公幹、蜜月旅行,甚至親子旅遊都能享受量身打造的服務,讓您度過愉快的假期。. 您更可以至優惠價錢 ...

  5. Hotel ICON offers a variety of dining options, from a fine dining Cantonese restaurant overlooking the skyline, to a café that transforms into a bar at restaurants.

  6. HOTEL ICON, THE BEST KOWLOON HOTEL IN HONG KONG. Hotel ICON is situated in the prime location of Kowloon easily accessible by transportation from all parts of Hong Kong. Perfect for all travelers in search of a Kowloon hotel in Hong Kong, find your room now from our wide selection for your next stay.

  7. 凡在推广期间入住唯港荟Hotel ICON 两晚或以上,即可享有意想不到的“多住多赏 ”香港酒店住宿优惠。 入住时间越长,优惠越多。 了解更多

  8. 座落於繁華的尖沙咀地區,毗鄰紅磡火車站,Hotel ICON (唯港薈)屢獲選為旅客最喜歡的香港酒店推薦之一。. 在酒店每一名員工以及管理人員的心目中,唯港薈擁有與眾不同的個性,是一座設計奢華又不失親切感的酒店。. 您將會發現,酒店內的設計以至每一件 ...

  9. Very Hong KongEarly Bird Saves 12%. Save up to 12% as you book Hotel ICON 14 days in advance. Whether you are in Hong Kong for business travel, family holiday, romantic escape or a personal retreat, we are here to ensure you make the most of your journey. VIEW MORE. ROOMS.

  10. The perfect Hong Kong harbour view, unrivalled Cantonese cuisine, an international wine library, and chic, contemporary interiors mean Above & Beyond provides the ultimate exclusive setting for your wedding.

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