Hotel Monterey Grasmere Osaka. Conveniently located in Namba, central Osaka, Hotel Monterey Grasmere Osaka is a modern hotel that held its grand opening back in the summer of 2009. There are many popular areas within walking distance of the hotel, which is also directly connected to Namba Station.
ご予定が先に決まっているなら、30日~120日前から、ご予約可能な早得プランがおすすめです。. 私たちは、SDGs(持続可能な開発目標)を支援し、地球環境・地域社会への貢献を、さまざまな活動を通じて推進してまいります。. ホテルモントレのオンライン ...
大阪蒙特利格拉斯梅爾酒店 (Hotel Monterey Grasmere Osaka)。. 酒店大樓與交通便捷的難波車站相連接,步行就可到達人氣地區。. 位於酒店24層-31層的客房採用仿英國莊園風格的多彩設計,極具魅力。. 酒店內部裝潢以英國都市、風土、文化為主題,給您彷彿就在英國 ...
Hotel Monterey Osaka。 The hotel is located close to JR Osaka Station and Umeda Subway Station, making it convenient to get around in all directions. It is also easy to access the hotel via the Shinkansen from Shin-Osaka Station, or from any of the surrounding airports.
For a relaxing and comfortable stay. Our guest rooms are designed to reflect the best of England, and are designed to evoke both the beauty of the Cotswolds / Lake District and the culture of London. All our guest rooms are non-smoking and free Wi-Fi available.
Hotel Monterey Grassmere Osaka is located in Namba, central Osaka, making it an ideal base for both business and leisure. It is easy to access many popular spots such as Dotonbori Street, Shinsaibashi and Den Den Town shopping district.
FACILITIES Hotel Monterey Grassmere Osaka is located in Namba, central Osaka, making it an ideal base for both business and leisure. It is easy to access many popular spots such as Dotonbori Street, Shinsaibashi and Den Den Town shopping district.
聯繫我們. 保證蒙特利酒店集團官方網站所提供的住宿費用為「最低価格」。. 了解詳情. 蒙特利酒店集團開業時就為全部客房和一部分宴會廳導入了有線LAN連接的互聯網連接環境。. 為了進一步滿足顧客需求,此次,我們在前臺大廳・各客房樓層又設置了無線LAN ...
Hotel Monterey Grasmere Osaka 1-2-3 Minatomachi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka, Osaka,556-0017, Japan PHONE +81-6-6645-7111
大阪蒙特利酒店 (Hotel Monterey Osaka)。. 大阪蒙特利酒店的設計模仿維也納莊嚴宏偉氣質高貴的“美泉宮”宮殿,採用柔和的暖黃色外牆,酒店內部裝飾則以奧地利宮廷文化繁榮時代的華麗風格為主題。. 步入酒店仿佛進入了富麗堂皇高貴典雅的維也納宮殿。.