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  1. 2023年5月3日 · The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) has published the new Guide to Regulation of Wood Packaging Material which is seen to help countries better manage the introduction and spread of plant pests through the international movement of goods.

  2. 2014年7月27日 · What is meant by ippc in a wooden pallet? It applies only to wood packaging materials (both coniferous and non-coniferous) made with solid wood not engineered wood products (plywood, OSB, etc.) or corrugated when used in international trade. The international standard does not apply to wood packaging material manufactured solely for domestic use.

  3. 國際植物檢疫措施標準第15號 ,簡稱 ISPM 15 ,是國際植物保護公約 ( IPPC )國際木質包裝檢疫措施標準第15項,直接解決了需要處理的木材,厚度大於6毫米,用於船舶產品的國家之間。. 其主要目的是為了防止國際運輸和昆蟲傳播的疾病和可能產生負面影響植物 ...

  4. 國際植物保護公約(IPPC)是於1952年成立於聯合國糧農組 織(FAO, UN)下的國際公約,其主要目的是保護植物資源 免於疫病蟲害危害。研訂國際標準、準則與建議,明訂 WTO會員應以 IPPC 組織所訂定之國際植物檢疫規範 ( ISPMs ) 為基礎來制定其植物防疫

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  5. 2017年2月10日 · the construction of wooden pallets and containers. The volumes of wood packaging materials moving in trade are substantial and the industries responsible for production are diverse with little contact or communication with NPPOs, who have traditionally

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  6. 2014年6月30日 · IPPC. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES. ISPM 15. REGULATION OF WOOD PACKAGING MATERIAL IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE. (2009) Produced by the Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention. © FAO 2013. Publication history .

  7. 2021年2月3日 · [4] This IPPC guide will be a comprehensive manual that will improve understanding of ISPM 15 Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade and support the implementation of this standard.

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