雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 日本 福岡 - 機票搜尋

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  2. 福岡遼闊無垠的海岸,成為水上運動的勝地,內陸地區山脈連綿不斷,步道隨處可見,還有舉世聞名的海鮮和拉麵. 太宰府天滿宮 作為福岡縣最著名的景點,供奉歷史學者和政治家菅原道真,每年春天還有 6,000 多株梅花爭相開放。. 福岡縣美食豐富,壽司、海鮮 ...

  3. 福岡是日本第三大島 [九州] (https://www.japan.travel/endestinations/kyushu/)的生活中心,這座讓人悠閒放鬆的海港城市,以絕佳的美食和最棒的人情味而備受愛戴。. 福岡自古以來就得利於它鄰近亞洲大陸的絕佳地理位置,而現今更因而成為日本發展最迅速的城市之一。.

  4. Plan your trip to Fukuoka, Japan. Fukuoka is convenient for exploring Kyushu. Try local dishes like Hakata ramen at yatai stalls and see the beautiful plum trees at Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine

  5. Fukuoka is convenient for exploring Kyushu. Try local dishes like Hakata ramen at yatai stalls and see the beautiful plum trees at Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine Media & Industry

  6. Great food and even better company reign supreme in Fukuoka, the relaxed port town that is at the heart of life on Kyushu, Japan's third-largest island. The city is the fastest growing in Japan and has engaged in cultural exchange throughout its history from its proximity to mainland Asia.

  7. Planen Sie Ihre Reise nach Fukuoka, Japan. Fukuoka is convenient for exploring Kyushu. Try local dishes like Hakata ramen at yatai stalls and see the beautiful plum trees at Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine

  8. Planifiez votre voyage à Fukuoka, au Japon. Fukuoka is convenient for exploring Kyushu. Try local dishes like Hakata ramen at yatai stalls and see the beautiful plum trees at Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine

  9. 福岡是日本第三大島 [九州] (destinations/kyushu/)的生活中心,這座讓人悠閒放鬆的海港城市,以絕佳的美食和最棒的人情味而備受愛戴。. 福岡自古以來就得利於它鄰近亞洲大陸的絕佳地理位置,而現今更因而成為日本發展最迅速的城市之一。.

  10. 山上的景色被選為「新日本三大夜景」及「夜景百選」之一。. 你可以步行走上皿倉山,也可以從帆柱公園乘搭山麓線和山上線兩段纜車上山。. 皿倉山可以俯瞰整個北九州,甚至可以眺望本州。. * 本網頁資訊或因應新冠疫情有所更改。. 「北九州」位於 [福岡市 ...

  11. A port town boasting Japan's oldest Zen temple, biggest festival, and famous ramen. Once a prominent merchant town, Hakata is known today as Fukuoka's business hub, but it also offers a wealth of culture and several major festivals, including the Yamakasa and Hakata Dontaku . The latter draws millions of spectators.

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