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  1. Find out how your salary compares. Enter your monthly salary. HK$. Enter a role. Compare your salary. Careers with high salaries. Learn more about Hong Kong's highest paying careers. Browse careers by industry. Explore salaries and job trends across careers from every industry.

  2. 大家對就業前景又點睇? 多謝超過3,600名打工仔嘅無私分享,JobsDB立即為你綜合報導最新薪酬指標及職場趨勢! 即睇報告重點. 🌐 English version. 2022年薪酬報告重點摘要. 1. 截至2022年3月1日,全職打工仔平均人工加幅為3.2%,較去年升2.8%。 2. 喺3,632名受訪者中,有53%全職打工仔於今年獲得加薪,41%凍薪,另只有6%表示被減薪。 3. 人工加得最多嘅頭3位工種係:分析員 (+7.3%)、數碼巿場推廣 / 電子商務 / 社交媒體 (+6.4%) 、公關及企業事務 (+6.1%)。 4. 從事呢3個工種嘅打工仔就出現人工負增長:零售銷售貨 (-4.8%) 、飲食 / 餐飲業 (-1.1%)、同銷售及業務拓展 (-0.2%)。 5.

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  4. Introduction. SalaryCheck is a free interactive engine that helps you search for, and compare with, market-centric salary information matched to you exact job profile from our daily-updated database. Features. Updated Daily. Instantly compare your current / expected salary to our Daily Updated database. It is Quick, Free, and Anonymous!

  5. Download our latest Hiring, Compensation & Benefits Report 2024. Definitive salary guide for recruitment plans. Review your salary and benefits structure. Latest salary index. A must-read for HR. Free download. Recruitment leader.

  6. 2021年12月1日 · JobsDB較早時委託獨立調查機構,訪問本港438間商業機構,按2022年首季招聘、薪酬以及福行意向作調查,發現僱主預明年打工仔平均薪金升幅大約1.7%,較今年回升接近1個百分點。 《 香港財經時報 》作詳細報道。 JobsDB薪酬調查2022|21%企業減人手 跟2020年相若. JobsDB薪酬調查2022發現,從今年6月至8月期間,有21%企業有削減人手,跟2020年的23%相若。 不過調查同時指出,有81%受訪僱主進行招聘,74%聘全職員工,較去年同期升19%。 另一方面,今年謙有47%受訪企業於過去一年時間有聘請應屆畢業生。 JobsDB薪酬調查2022|22個工種加薪幅度.

  7. 2020年10月27日 · Analysed by industry section and on a year-on-year comparison in nominal terms, the average monthly salaries for middle-level managerial and professional employees increased in all selected industry sections in June 2020, ranging from 0.7% to 1.6%.

  8. Salary and predicted adjustment. Bonus and other benefits structure. KEY TRENDS. Every HR must know in 2021. Hiring plans and market expectations. Almost half of the hirers predicted that employment will be less active in 2021. Hiring plan shows a contraction trend from last year. Overview of employment market related to COVID-19 recovery.

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