雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 美邦醫學體檢中心的專業醫護團隊為你提供一站式的全面身體檢查服務,有效評估你的個人健康狀況,達致「預防勝於治療」的效果。. 事實上,定期進行健康檢查,可及早發現潛在的健康風險,即使不幸患病,亦可及早治療,從而對症下藥,提高痊癒機會 ...

  2. Mobile Medical Health Group is providing is one the most well established Hong Kong health check center with providing comprehensive body check packages, such as liver, lung, stomach, kidney function by using blood test or ultrasound etc.

  3. Since the establishment of Mobile Medical and Health Check Centre Limited, we strive to provide affordable health check for the public, we deliver versatile healthcare services include: 1. Clinical Laboratory, 2. X-Ray, 3. ECG, 4. Ultrasound, 5. Bone Densitometry, 6. Lung Function, 7. Hearing Test, 8. Optometry, 9. Body Composition Analysis, 10.

  4. health.ESDlife: Cooperate with “Mobile Health Check & Medical Centre Limited” to provide body check plan offers, allowing you to search and compare various plans in order to get the most suitable plan with best deal! Supermarket coupons will also be offered in

  5. Mobile Medical and Health Check Centre Ltd. 美邦醫學體檢中心成立至今,一直致力為客人提供可靠,高質素及全面的身體檢查服務.其中包括:婚前檢查,婦科檢查,全面健康檢查及各類型的化驗,服務範圍廣泛.另外,本公司設有個人度身設計之驗身計劃 ...

  6. 1. Select Health Check Choose the plan and optional items. Consult with CS and place an order online. 2. Confirm Location and Time Mobile Medical Group will call the customer within 1-2 working days to confirm the location and appointment time. 3. Receive

  7. Hong Kong Health Check & Medical Diagnostic Group Limited. 嚴正聲明. 本集團 ” 香港體檢及醫學診斷集團有限公司 ” 近日接獲多宗客人查詢,關於市面上有個別商戶、公司或團體、以 ” 香港體檢及醫學診斷集團有限公司" 或 “香港體檢 ” 之名義,透過電話向市民大眾 ...

  8. Contact details last updated on: 3 March 2022. Scope of Accreditation Registration No.: HOKLAS 845S. Issue Date: 18 January 2024. Ref: HOKLAS845S-7. Hong Kong Health Check and Medical Diagnostic Centre Limited – Hong Kong Health Check Medical Laboratory. 香港體檢及醫學診斷中心有限公司 - 香港體檢醫學化驗中心. ADDRESS.

  9. 佐敦旗艦店. 九龍佐敦彌敦道241-243號香港體檢中心4樓登記及諮詢中心. 3678 8288. 3678 8299. 星期一至星期六 9:00am - 6:30pm | 星期日及公眾假期 休息. 地圖. 旺角分部. 九龍旺角彌敦道688號旺角中心第一期1303室. 2398 1818. 2787 0666. 星期一至星期六 9:00am - 6:30pm | 星期日及公眾假期 休息. 地圖. 3T 磁力掃描分部. 九龍佐敦佐敦道14-16號嘉信樓地下A1舖.

  10. Mobile Medical+ Health Check Centre. Kwun Tong Branch (Kowloon East) 3796-6680. Shatin Branch (New Territories East) 3796-6683. Yuen Long Branch (New Territories West) 3796-6637.