雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Herman Miller’s Fuld Nesting Chair designed by Stefan Diez receives "Red Dot: Best of the Best" award for Product Design in the Office Chairs category. Nevi Sit-to-Stand Desks. Atlas Office Landscape. Cosm–dipped in colour, instant comfort. The chair for everyone. Come See Where We Live. Learn More.

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    POSH offers an extensive product portfolio, from leading office and healthcare furnishings, to high-performance seating and storage.

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  5. 喺 Hong Kong,Hong Kong 買 80% 新 Posh 辦公室椅. ~名牌新淨 ~50cm (W) x 46cm (D) ~尖東永安廣場自取 ~有8張 喺 椅子 度買嘢,傾偈買嘢!

  6. POSH Express 2座椅. 这款办公椅造型简洁, 既平易近人又实用, 是当今快速发展的工作场所的理想之选. Express 2利用了原本Express座椅的优点并加以改进,使其更加舒适与时尚。. 经过改进的新机制支持各种姿势,同时刺激身体的血液流通,而简洁的线条和轮廓分明 ...

  7. 項目名稱: [9成新]Posh品牌活動扶手油壓電腦 工作 Office Chair. 售價: HK$ 980. 狀況: 接近全新. 接近全新: 物品的原裝包裝已開封,雖然可能已使用過,但次數極少,物品的實質功能和外觀跟新品無異。. *賣家有責任依物品的實際情形如實選擇「狀況」,如有任何 ...

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