雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 可用 貴機構的訂購表或填寫種籽花店的「訂購表」, 電郵至seedflower_order@seedpress.com.hk. 下載種籽花店「訂購表」, 訂購一個用 (http://www.seedpress.com.hk/download/seedflower_orderform.doc) 訂購二個或以上用 (http://www.seedpress.com.hk/download/seedflower_orderform_for_friend_family.doc) 2. 傳真訂購: 只收 (打好字)電郵訂購,傳真訂購服務已停. 3. 電話即時落單 (急單) 只適合急單情況。 訂購電話:234 234 34 或 9420 9600 (羅先生) 6.如何選購花牌/花籃款式? 1.

  2. Seed Flower Shop 電話:(852) 234 234 34 傳真:(852) 234 234 84 聯絡人:羅先生 Email: seedflower_order@seedpress.com.hk 星期日急單聯絡人: 羅先生 (電話 9420 9600) (早上返教會崇拜,請下午1:00時後致電) 聯絡處: 九龍觀塘巧明街110 號興運工業

  3. 地址新蒲崗崇齡街33號新蒲崗廣場地下A-33a舖. * * * * * * * * * 種籽推介. 夏聿如:《盼望 — 細看以色列》 (中 [繁/簡]英對照) 謝杰華:《廚房執事 2》 《天父,我要跟你談談》 (兒童圖書系列) 種籽書室英文部書目. welcome to. Seed Press Bookroom. (English Section) @kwun tong. Check our wholesales and retail list here: English Booklist. 種籽代理 Kardo International Ministries 出品. 聖經學習課程及教材推介.

  4. 種籽花店 Seed Flower Shop 嗡嗡樹免費報價邀請 Whatsapp 公司簡介 客戶留言 0 prev next 地址導航 網站 分享 加到書簽 報告更新資料 讚賞商家或留言 提出擁有權 ...

  5. During the time in 1950s and 1960s, seed trading f lourished rapidly in Hong Kong, our brand became well known at the local market and served as the market leader on high quality flower seeds. Meanwhile, the company also began to establish relationships with the major international seed breeding companies in Japan, the US and Europe.

  6. Shop here for vegetable seeds, flower seeds, microgreen seeds, as well as seedlings. Located in Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong Island. Operated by the local breeding company and plant nursery - Clover Seed - since 1929.

  7. Flower varieties suitable for growing in Hong Kong. Extensive flowering period and vivid colour, including some edible flowers,and flowers that can be made intofloral tea及skin remedies