雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. swd disability allowance 相關



  1. The objective of the SSA Scheme is to provide a monthly allowance to Hong Kong residents who are severely disabled or who are 65 years of age or above to meet special needs arising from disability or old age.

  2. 社會福利署(社署)公共福利金計劃下的傷殘津貼,旨在為嚴重殘疾的香港居民,每月提供的現金津貼,以應付因嚴重殘疾而引致的特別需要。. 傷殘津貼可分為 普通傷殘津貼 及 高額傷殘津貼。. 申請人無須供款及接受經濟狀況調查。. 由2024年2月1日起,普通 ...

  3. Disability Allowance. As for existing Disability Higher Allowance recipient, his/her allowance will be adjusted to Normal Disability Allowance if he/she has been admitted into residential institution s/public hospitals and institutions for receiving care or special Not

  4. Allowance Scheme Provides a monthly allowance to Hong Kong residents who are 65 years of age or above or who are severely disabled Old Age Allowance, Normal Disability Allowance, Higher Disability Allowance, Old Age Living Allowance, September 2023

    • An Applicant Is Eligible For The Disability Allowance If he/she
    • More Information
    • For Other Enquiries
    meets the following residence requirements:
    continues to reside in Hong Kong during receipt of Disability Allowance (Please click herefor information on the permissible limit of absence from Hong Kong during receipt of allowance).
    is not receiving other allowances under the Social Security Allowance Scheme or Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme;
    is not being detained in legal custody or admitted to a penal institution; and
    Please click herefor the application procedures and payment arrangement for the Disability Allowance.
    Application for Social Security Allowance Guidance Notes (Feb 2024 version) (PDF) Application form and Guidance Notes can be downloaded from SWD’s website or obtained from any Social Security Field...

    Please visit the SWD’s Social Security Allowance Scheme’s website ; or Visit your nearest Social Security Field Unit.

  5. 2023年9月22日 · 富衛人壽的「全自主百萬醫療計劃」(FWD MyMillion)是一份專為普羅大眾而設的 醫療保險,讓大眾能以相宜的保費得到住院及手術費用的全數保障 ^,包括病房及膳食、醫療雜項開支及手術費用等,每年保障限額高達400萬港元,於保單簽發日起第31日開始 ...

  6. 嚴重殘疾的定義. 要在公共福利金計劃下評定為嚴重殘疾,申請人必須經由衞生署署長或醫院管理局行政總裁(或在極為特殊情況下由私家醫院註冊醫生)證明,申請人的殘疾情況是屬於下述任何一項: A. 身體或精神殘障狀況. 喪失二肢的功能. 喪失雙手或雙手的拇指和所有手指的功能. 喪失雙腳的功能. 完全失明. 全身癱瘓(四肢癱瘓) 下身癱瘓. 因疾病、損傷或變形而導致長期臥床. 因任何其他情況,包括器官殘障及下述的殘疾情況 (註) 而導致。 申請人的身體或精神殘障狀況(包括但不僅限於器質性腦綜合徵、智障、精神病、神經官能病、人格障礙),其殘疾程度與上述(1)至(7)項大致相若,即申請人極需他人協助應付日常生活. B. 聽覺極度受損.

  1. swd disability allowance 相關
