雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. n. 1. [c][u] 制服;校服the special set of clothes worn by all members of an organization or a group at work, or by children at school. 2. [c][ususing][u] (运动队)队服the clothes worn by the members of a sports team when they are playing. 3. [sing][u] 清一色服装;统一服装the type of clothes that a person or group usually wears. adj. 1.

  2. adjective. uk / ˈjuː.nɪ.fɔːm / us / ˈjuː.nə.fɔːrm / the same; not changing or different in any way. 相同的;一律的;整齊劃一的. The office walls and furniture are a uniform grey. 辦公室的牆壁和傢俱一律都是灰色的。 Small businesses are demanding that they receive uniform treatment from the banks. 小企業要求銀行給予它們一視同仁的待遇。 相關詞語. uniformity. uniformly.

  3. the same; not changing or different in any way. 相同的;一律的;整齐划一的. The office walls and furniture are a uniform grey. 办公室的墙壁和家具一律都是灰色的。 Small businesses are demanding that they receive uniform treatment from the banks. 小企业要求银行给予它们一视同仁的待遇。 相关词语. uniformity. uniformly. (uniform在剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press) uniform的 例句.

  4. 美 [ˈjuːnɪfɔːrm] 释义. 常用. 高考讲解. n. 制服; 校服. adj. 一致的,统一的; 均匀的. 大小写变形: Uniform. 词态变化. 复数: uniforms; 副词: uniformly; 实用场景例句. 全部. 制服. 军服. 一样的. 始终如一的. a military/police/nurse's uniform. 军装;警服;护士制服. 牛津词典. soldiers in uniform. 穿制服的军人. 牛津词典. The hat is part of the school uniform . 帽子是校服的一部分。 牛津词典. Do you have to wear uniform ? 你非得穿制服不可吗? 牛津词典.

  5. n. 制服. adj. 全都相同的, 一律的, 清一色的. 时 态: uniformed, uniforming, uniforms. 副 词: uniformly. 近义、反义、联想词. 近 词. n. clothing, article of clothing, vesture, wear, wearable, habiliment. v. supply, provide, render, furnish. adj. homogeneous, homogenous, dedifferentiated, regular. 词. n. multiform, heterogeneous, heterogenous, irregular. 解析.

  6. a particular set of clothes that has to be worn by the members of the same organization or group of people: military / school uniform. a nurse's uniform. I love a man in uniform! 比較. mufti (CLOTHES) [ C ] a type of clothes that is connected with a particular group of people:

  7. A uniform is a special set of clothes which some people, for example staff in a hotel, wear to work. The hotel staff wear dark blue uniforms. The waitstaff don't have to wear uniforms. You must have a uniform of black trousers, black shoes, and a white shirt.

  8. 2017年12月21日 · 北京外国语大学附属中学校服分为日常装和制服两个系列。 日常装以红、灰色为主色调,样式选择学生喜爱的棒球衫款,活泼有动感。 制服系列以蓝白为主色调,男生选择蓝毛衣、白衬衫和西装裤的组合,女生是蓝毛衣、白衬衫和小格裙,制服简洁大方,彰显青春活力。 校服上装左胸位印有本校特色校徽,彰显学校“传统奠基外语助力”的办学特色。 4. 北京实验学校(海淀)中学校服. 鲜嫩,充满了朝气.

  9. 制服;軍服;一樣的;相同的;一致的

  10. ⑴. ⓐ 形狀相同的,同型的,整齊劃一的; 一樣的,無變化的. vases of uniform size and shape . 大小與形狀相同的花瓶. uniform in size and color . 大小與顏色相同的. uniform motion . ‘物理’等速運動. ⓑ 形狀相同 [同型] 的[ with ] Everyone should wear clothes uniform with these . 大家都該穿著與這些相同的衣服. ⑵. 一定 (不變) 的. at a uniform temperature [ speed ] 在恆溫的條件下. 《名詞》 (軍人、警官、護士等的) 制服.

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