雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2012年4月8日 · 28分. 樓主. (開箱文) 美津濃 女慢跑鞋 WAVE NEXUS 6. 2012-04-08 21:48. 3278. 0. 收藏. 回覆. 分享. 引言. 原本是自己想換雙新跑鞋... 無奈挑選不到喜歡的款式... 只好再忍耐幾個月....等七月改版再來敗... 幸好現今服役中的 WAVE NEXUS 5 還算堪用... 結果...我的新鞋沒買成... 倒是女王在陪我挑鞋的過程中... 無聊也挑了幾雙鞋子來試穿...(女王平時沒有運動習慣) 結果一穿到 WAVE NEXUS 6 ... 那種舒適感...一下子就深深令女王著迷到近乎散失了理智... 那種感覺我感同身受.... 因為去年我也是就這麼一穿....就深深被NEXUS 5 所吸引...

  2. 2012年8月28日 · 想請教師兄買鞋子 想買對鞋跑10km ... 跑10km - 1個鐘到la 一星期平均 跑2-3 日到la.. 主要跑gym 多 體重: 165 lbs 比較重身-_- 身高: 173 cm 有偏平足, 同腳趾少少內翻... 想問WAVE MERCURY 2 wide 定 WAVE NEXUS 6 wide arm唔arm 我? 邊隻好d.. 如果都唔arm 有

  3. 想問WAVE MERCURY 2 wide 定 WAVE NEXUS 6 wide arm唔arm 我? 邊隻好d.. 如果都唔arm 有冇推介ar Many thanks

    • Mizuno Wave Nexus 6 Upper
    • Mizuno Wave Nexus 6 Midsole
    • Mizuno Wave Nexus 6 Outsole
    • Mizuno Wave Nexus 6 Overall Impressions

    What do you know, Mizuno seemed to nail the fit again for their 2012 line of shoes! A lightweight, very breathable, and appreciatively stretchy dual density mesh runs the length of the shoe and is reinforced by really durable sewn overlays. A medium width forefoot gives way to a medium width mid foot and heel. Really, the Nexus 6 is very accommodat...

    Often runners will ask me to compare shoes across brands when looking for a comparable shoe in terms of support or cushioning. The Wave Nexus 6 compares nicely to a Nike Structure Triax or an Asics 2170, but with a tad bit less support. The Wave cushioning of the Nexus 6 is soft yet supportive, and I found it to be accommodating to any type of foot...

    Does Mizuno have a “typical” outsole? If so, then the Wave Nexus 6 could be a good example of Mizuno’s use of durable carbon rubber surrounding exposed cavities in the heel to save weight and a full forefoot protection. I didn’t have any issues with picking up rocks and the X10 carbon rubber is about as sticky as it comes on a road shoe.

    So, you walk into your local running store, where I hope you buy your shoes, and some models just leap off the wall at you. I know, not all runners have the luxury of having a local running store, so you’re shopping online and a shoe catches your eye. You’ve read about it in the latest new running shoe guide and it comes highly recommended (of cour...

    • (1)
  4. Nexus 6 搭載的是 高通 驍龍 805 四核 2.7GHz 處理器,組態一塊 5.96 英寸 2560x1440 解像度 (493 ppi) 顯示熒幕,擁有 3GB 記憶體 和 32GB/64GB 內建儲存空間 ,提供一顆1300萬像素帶光學防手震和能以30 fps 拍攝 4K 影片功能的後置攝像頭,以及一顆200萬像素前置攝像頭。 像它的前任一樣,Nexus 6不支援 MicroSD 卡和可更換的電池。 軟件 [ 編輯] 主條目: Android. Nexus 6執行 Android Lollipop (5.0) 。 目前Nexus 6可升級至Android Nougat (7.1.1)。 Nexus 6將成為支援T-Mobile公司的Wi-Fi呼叫的第一個Nexus裝置。

  5. 2013年6月26日 · 美津浓Y08KN25009是Wave Nexus系列第六代产品,属于实用级支撑稳定型的跑鞋,适合正常足或者偏内翻的跑者。 鞋面为合成革+尼龙网布鞋面,透气,舒适。 INTERCOOL 科技保证跑步时产生的汗气迅速排出,降低鞋内温度; 全掌AP+ 在原AP材料中加入聚合物,使得耐久性和弹性大幅提升;双层 扇形Wave 技术(上层采用EVA材料制作,下层采用尼龙材质)更有效的提高了吸震性; Smooth Ride 可降低跑步时的不稳定摇晃,实现平顺的跑步感觉; X10 专为跑鞋研发的超耐磨橡胶,比以往橡胶提高80%的耐磨性。 美津浓的WAVE缓震片属于机械缓震,类似于弹簧的效果,因此体重对于缓震效果的影响比较直接。